It can be difficult to know how to act around a family member who is struggling with addiction. Whether in your immediate or extended family, when a loved one is dealing with an addiction of any kind, you must be sensitive to the situation. Good intentions aren’t enough.
When it comes to being sensitive to your loved one’s situation, educate yourself on the do’s and don’t of being understanding and respectful. The recovery process is complex, and you can build and maintain a positive relationship by being sensitive and respectful of the situation at hand.
Never Get Negative:
When you get negative with your loved one, you damage the recovery process and potentially set them back. No matter how frustrated you are with the situation, statements like, “You are hopeless,” and “You have to hit rock bottom to really want to change,” are damaging and hurtful.
Don’t tell someone struggling with addiction that they are being selfish. Addiction is a disease, not a choice, and it should be treated as such. Placing blame on the afflicted individual isn’t helpful. Many people who feel anger and sadness as they watch their loved ones suffer misplace that blame. Try not to make this mistake. Negative feelings should only be directed at the disease, not the individual suffering from that disease.
Offer Help:
Without professional training, you may not know all the ins and outs of how to help a loved one on the path to recovery, but you can offer to get them the help that they need. Utah addiction rehabilitation services can help on the path to addiction recovery, and as a trusted friend or family member, you can help a loved one find the professional care they need.
Coupled with addiction recovery services, always be an empathetic and listening ear. If your loved one knows they can turn to you for support, it can be a pillar of hope in the recovery process. Even if you are initially dismissed or pushed away, let your family member know that they have your unwavering support and that you will be there for them when they need you.
Education is Key:
Take the time to learn from professionals about your loved one’s specific addiction. As you help them battle this disease, it is important that you know exactly what is being battled. Knowing the signs of a relapse is important as well because that knowledge could potentially help you save a life in a dangerous situation.
Take the time to also educate yourself on the appropriate ways to talk with your loved one about addiction, and remember be sensitive to their specific situation. Consider attending counseling or therapy with the struggling individual, or schedule your own appointment to learn how to handle the situation with more love and care.
Contact Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers today to learn more about how to be sensitive toward your loved one struggling through addiction.