Borderline Personality Disorder Drug Rehab Utah
What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
(BPD) Borderline Personality Disorder Residential Treatment
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers truly specializes in treating Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in a residential drug rehab setting. We use state-of-the-art practices including medical, equine as well as evidenced-based therapeutic interventions. We have a very high success rate and know that we can help you learn to overcome your BPD issues after attending our inpatient borderline personality treatment center. To help you learn more about what BPD is and how to best treat it, either give us a call now or continue to read below.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD), additionally known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), is a mental illness characterized with a long-term pattern of unstable relationships; also a distorted sense of self, along with strong emotional reactions. There is often self-harm along with other harmful behavior.
Symptoms could be triggered by seemingly ordinary functions. The behavior typically begins by early maturity and occurs across a wide range of situations. 10% of individuals suffering from BPD die from suicide. BPD’s causes are cloudy but seem to involve hereditary, neurological, environmental, and social things.
It does occur about 5 times more often in a person that has a close relative with the disorder. Negative life activities appear to play an important position. The underlying mechanism appears to involve the frontolimbic system of neurons. BPD is known by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a personality disorder; along with 9 other such disorders. Diagnosis is based on the symptoms, though a medical examination might be done to rule out other troubles. The condition has to be differentiated from an identity problem or substance use disorders, among other symptoms.
BPD is typically treated with therapy; for example with cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT). Therapy may occur one-on-one or in a group setting. Though medications do not cure BPD, they could be used to help with the associated signs and/or symptoms. Some men and women require treatment within a healthcare facility. In 2008, the United States House of Representatives declared the month of May as Borderline Personality Disorder awareness month.
Women are identified (diagnosed) about 3 times as often as men. As of late it has become more common among elderly folks. Up to 1/2 of men and women improve within a 10-15 year period. People that changed typically have an extensive history of healthcare treatment. There is an ongoing debate about the naming of this disorder, especially the suitability of the term borderline. The disorder is often stigmatized in the media and the psychiatric industry.
BPD is Distinguished by the Following Signs and Symptoms:
- Markedly Disturbed Awareness of Identity
- Splitting (Black or White Thinking)
- Impulsive Behaviors
- Uncontrollable Spending
- Random Sex
- Substance Abuse
- Reckless Driving
- Binge Eating
- Unstable and Chaotic Interpersonal Relationships
- Self-damaging Behavior
- Distorted Self-image
- Dissociation
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anger or Rage
Overall the most distinguishing signs of BPD are indicated by sensitivity to minor rejection or criticism, alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation toward other men and women; along with varying moods and issues regulating strong emotional reactions. Dangerous and spontaneous behavior can also be correlated with this disorder.
Other signs and symptoms might include feeling unsure of one’s personal individuality, morals and values; having paranoid thoughts when feeling stressed; depersonalization and in moderate to serious instances, stress-induced breaks with psychotic episodes.
Men and women with BPD can feel emotions with greater ease and depth as well as for a much longer time compared to others. A core characteristic of BPD is affective instability, which generally doubles as unusually intense emotional responses to environmental causes, with a slower return to set up a baseline emotional state. People with BPD are often exceptionally enthusiastic, idealistic, joyous and loving, but might feel overwhelmed with negative emotions (stress depression, guilt/shame, stress, anger, etc.), experiencing intense grief instead of grief, shame, and humiliation instead of gentle embarrassment, rage instead of annoyance, along with fear instead of anxiety.
People with BPD are also especially sensitive to feelings of rejection, criticism, isolation, along with the perceived failure in all that they or others do. Before learning other coping mechanisms, their own efforts to manage or escape from their own negative emotions can result in emotional isolation, self-injury, or suicidal behavior. They have been often conscious of the intensity of their negative emotional reactions since they cannot regulate or shut them down since recognition would only cause additional distress. This can be detrimental since negative emotions remind them of the problematic situation they are in or created and will continue to follow them until properly handled.
There are 4 categories of dysphoria with BPD. They are:
Extreme Emotions; Destructiveness or Self-destructiveness; Feeling Fragmented or Lacking Individuality; and Feelings of Victimization. Since there is great variety in the sorts of dysphoria people with BPD encounter, the amplitude of the distress is a helpful indicator. In addition to having intense emotions; individuals with BPD suffer from emotional lability (rapid changeability, or fluctuation of emotions). Although that term suggests accelerated affects involving depression and elation. Mood swings in people with BPD more frequently involve anxiety with fluctuations between rage and stress also with random bouts of depression and suicidality.
Individuals with BPD can be exceedingly sensitive to the way others treat them. By way of feeling intense joy and gratitude at sensed expressions of kindness and intense sadness or rage at perceived criticism or hurtfulness. People with BPD often engage in idealization and devaluation of others; alternating between high positive esteem for people and great disappointment in them. Their feelings about others often shift from admiration or love to anger or dislike after a disappointment. A threat of losing someone, or even perhaps a perceived lack of admiration in the view of someone they value. Combined with feeling disturbances, idealization and devaluation can undermine relationships with family, friends, along with coworkers.
Whilst strongly desiring intimacy; individuals with BPD have a tendency toward insecure, avoidant or ambivalent, or even fearfully preoccupied attachment patterns in relationships and often view the entire world as dangerous and malevolent. Like other personality disorders, BPD is linked to increased levels of chronic tension and conflict in romantic relationships, reduced satisfaction of amorous partners, domestic and substance abuse, and unwanted pregnancy. Impulsive behavior can also include leaving jobs or relationships, running away and self-injury.
People with BPD can do this because it gives them the feeling of immediate respite from their emotional pain; but in the long-term they feel increased shame and guilt within the inevitable consequences of continuing this behavior. A bicycle often begins in which individuals with BPD feel emotional pain, engage in spontaneous behavior to relieve that pain, feel shame and remorse over their actions, feel emotional pain from the shame and remorse, then experience stronger urges to engage in spontaneous behavior to relieve the new pain. As time goes on, spontaneous behavior may become an automatic response to emotional pain.
Scarring from self-harm is a common sign in borderline personality disorder. Self-harming or suicidal behavior is one of the core diagnostic criteria in the DSM 5. Self-harm occurs in 50% to 80% of individuals with BPD. The most frequent method of self-harm is cutting. Bruising, burning, head banging or biting usually are not uncommon with BPD. People with BPD may feel emotional reduction following cutting themselves.
The lifetime risk of suicide among individuals with BPD is only between 3% and 10%. There is evidence that men diagnosed with BPD are approximately twice as more likely to die by suicide as women identified with BPD. There is also proof that a considerable percentage of men that die by suicide could have undiagnosed and therefore untreated BPD.
The claimed reasons for self-harm change from the reasons for suicide attempts. Nearly 70% of individuals with BPD self-harm without trying to end their life. Reasons for self-harm include expressing anger, self-punishment, generating ordinary feelings (often in response to dissociation), along with distracting oneself from emotional pain or tough circumstances. In contrast; suicide attempts typically reflect an opinion that loved ones will likely be much better off following the suicide. Both self-harm and suicide certainly are a response to feeling negative emotions. Sexual abuse can be considered a specific trigger for suicidal behavior in teens with BPD tendencies.
People with BPD tend to have difficulties seeing their identity. In specific, they tend to have difficulties knowing what they value, imagine, favor and enjoy. They truly are often uncertain about their long-term aims for relationships and jobs. This can cause people with BPD to feel empty and lost. Self-image can additionally vary rapidly from healthy to unhealthy. The often intense emotions individuals with BPD experience can make it hard for them to concentrate. They may also often dissociate; which can be thought of being an intense form of zoning out.
Dissociation often occurs in response to a painful event (or even something that activates the memory of a painful event). It involves the mind automatically redirecting attention away from that function to guard against intense emotion and undesirable behavioral impulses that these emotions could trigger. The mind’s practice of blocking out intense painful emotions can provide momentary reduction, but nevertheless, it can also have the side effect of blocking or blunting ordinary emotions. Reducing the accessibility of people with BPD to the information emotions provide and help direct effective decision-making in life.
Many people with BPD are able to work when they find appropriate jobs as well as their condition is not overly severe. People with BPD can be seen to have a disability in the workplace in the event the condition is acute enough that the behaviors of sabotaging relationships, engaging in risky behaviors or intense anger stop the person from functioning in their job role.
As is true with other mental disorders, the causes of BPD are more complex and not entirely agreed upon. Evidence shows that BPD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be related in some way. Most researchers concur that the history of childhood trauma can become a contributing factor; but not as attention has historically been reduced to investigating the causal functions played by congenital brain abnormalities, genetics and neurobiological aspects and environmental factors other than injury.
Social aspects include how people with BPD interact in their early development with their family, friends and other children. Psychological things include the individual’s personality and temperament, shaped by their environment and learned coping skills in dealing with anxiety. These different facets together suggest that there are aspects that might contribute to the disorder.
The heritability of BPD has been estimated that 40% of BPD in the population can be explained by genetics. Twin studies may overestimate the effect of enzymes on variability in personality disorders as a result of the complicating factor of a shared household environment. Nonetheless, the researchers of this study concluded that personality disorders seem to become more strongly influenced by genetic effects than any axis I disorder (e.g., bi-polar disorder, depression, eating disorders. etc.) and significantly many more comprehensive personality disorders. The analysis found that BPD was estimated to be 3 out of the 10 personality disorders reviewed. Twin, siblings, and other family studies indicate partial heritability for spontaneous aggression, but scientific tests of serotonin-related genes have indicated only modest contributions to behavior.
Households with twins in the Netherlands have been members of an ongoing study by Trull and colleagues, in which 11 pairs of siblings and 561 parents were examined to identify the location of hereditary traits that influenced the development of BPD. Research collaborators discovered that genetic material on chromosome 9 has been linked to BPD features. The researchers concluded that genetic factors play a major role in individual variations of borderline personality disorder features. All these researchers had earlier concluded in a previous study that 42% of variation in BPD features was attributable to hereditary influences and 58% was attributable to environmental influences.
Genes under investigation include the 7-repeat polymorphism of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) on chromosome 11, which is linked to disorganized attachment. Whilst the combined consequence of the 7-repeat polymorphism and also the dopamine transporter (DAT) genotype was linked to abnormalities in inhibitory control; equally noted features of BPD (which is a connection to chromosome 5).
Lots of neuro-imaging scans in BPD have reported findings of reductions in regions of the brain involved in the regulation of anxiety responses and emotion. Affecting the hippocampus, the orbitofrontal cortex, as well as the amygdala, amongst other regions. Even the hippocampus tends to be smaller in men and women with BPD, since it is with people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, in BPD as opposed to PTSD, the amygdala also tends to be smaller.
The amygdalae are smaller and much more active in men and women with BPD. Amygdala smaller size has also been found in men and women with obsessive compulsive disorder. One study has found unusually strong correlation in the left amygdalae of individuals with BPD when they undergo and view displays of negative emotions. This unusually strong activity can explain the abnormal strength and longevity of panic, despair, anger and shame experienced by men and women with BPD; together with their heightened sensitivity to displays of these emotions in others.
Given its role in regulating emotional arousal; the relative inactivity of the prefrontal cortex might explain the issues individuals with BPD experience in regulating their emotions and responses to stress. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) regulates cortisol production, which is released in response to stress. Cortisol production tends to be elevated in persons with BPD, indicating a hyperactive HPA axis in these types of individuals.
This causes them to undergo a greater biological strain response, which could explain their greater exposure to irritability. Since traumatic activities can increase cortisol production and HPA axis activity; one possibility is that the incidence of greater average activity in the HPA axis of individuals with BPD can simply be described as a reflection of this greater average prevalence of traumatic childhood and maturational events among people with BPD.
Another potential is that by heightening their sensitivity to stressful functions, increased cortisol production may predispose those with BPD to undergo trying childhood and maturational occasions too traumatic. Increased cortisol production is also associated with the increased risk of suicidal behavior. A 2003 analysis found that women’s BPD signs and indicators were predicted by fluctuations in estrogen levels throughout their menstrual cycles, as an outcome that remained significant when the results had been controlled for an overall increase in negative impact. If you are a female suffering from BPD give Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers a call or fill out our form today!
There is a strong correlation between child abuse; especially child sexual abuse and the development of BPD. People with BPD have been found to be significantly more inclined to report having been verbally, emotionally, physically, or sexually abused by their caregivers. They also report that a higher incidence of incest and loss of caregivers in early childhood. Individuals with BPD proved also likely to record having caregivers deny the legitimacy of their thoughts and feelings.
Caregivers have also reported to have failed to provide the necessary protection and also to have failed their child’s physical care needs. Parents had been typically documented to have withdrawn from their child emotionally and to have treated the child inconsistently. Additionally, women with BPD who documented that a prior history of negligence by a lady caregiver and abuse with a man caregiver proved significantly much more inclined to have undergone sexual abuse with a non-caregiver.
It’s been suggested that children who experience chronic early maltreatment and attachment complications could go on to create borderline personality disorder. Writing in the psychoanalytic tradition, Otto Kernberg asserts that a child’s failure to accomplish the developmental undertaking of psychic clarification of self and other and failure to successfully overcome splitting might increase the risk of developing a borderline personality.
The intensity and reactivity of the person’s negative affectivity or disposition to feel negative emotions forecasts BPD signs and much more strongly than does childhood sexual abuse. This finding, differences in brain structure, and that some clients with BPD usually do not record that a traumatic history implies that BPD is distinct from the post-traumatic stress disorder that frequently accompanies it. Thus, researchers examine developmental causes in addition to childhood trauma.
Research published in January of 2013 by Anthony Ruocco at the University of Toronto has highlighted 2 patterns of brain activity that can impair the dysregulation of emotion indicated in this disorder. One, increased action in the brain circuits responsible for the adventure of heightened emotional pain, along with (Two) reduced activation of the brain circuits that normally regulate or suppress those generated painful emotions. Both of these neural networks are seen to be dysfunctionally operative in the frontolimbic regions, but also the special regions fluctuate extensively in individuals; which calls for further analysis of neuroimaging research studies.
Additionally (contrary to the results of earlier scientific research) sufferers of BPD showed significantly less activation in the amygdala in situations of increased negative emotionality compared to control collection. John Krystal, editor of the journal Biological Psychiatry, posed that these results additional to the impression that individuals with borderline personality disorder are set up with their own brains to have stormy emotional lives, although not fundamentally unhappy or unproductive lives. Their emotional instability was proven to correlate with differences in a number of brain regions.
Whilst substantial rejection sensitivity is associated with stronger outward symptoms of borderline personality disorder; executive function appears to mediate the relationship amongst rejection sensitivity along with BPD indications. That is, a set of cognitive processes that include planning, working memory, attention and problem-solving may be the mechanism by which rejection sensitivity impacts BPD signs. A 2008 study discovered that the relationship between a person’s rejection sensitivity and BPD symptoms was stronger when executive function was lower.
Also that the relationship was poorer when an executive function has been higher. This shows that high executive function can help shield folks with higher rejection sensitivity against outward symptoms of BPD. A 2012 analysis found that issues in working memory might contribute to greater impulsivity in men and women with BPD. An unstable household environment forecasts that the development of the disorder, while a well-balanced household environment calls for a reduced risk. One potential explanation is that the stable environment buffers against its development.
Self-complexity, or considering one’s self to have lots of different characteristics, could diminish the apparent discrepancy involving an actual self and a desirable self-image. Larger self-complexity can direct a person to need a lot of additional characteristics instead of better characteristics; when there is a perception that characteristics have to have been gained; these may be more likely to have already been experienced examples rather than considered as abstract qualities. The concept of the standard will not absolutely involve the description of the attributes that represent the norm. Cognition of the standard may only involve the understanding of being like a concrete relation and not an attribute.
A 2005 study found that thought suppression, or conscious attempts to stay away from thinking certain thoughts mediates the relationship between emotional vulnerability and BPD indications. A later review decided that the relationship among emotional exposure and BPD signs and symptoms is not necessarily mediated with thought suppression. However, this study did find that thought suppression mediates the relationship among an invalidating environment and BPD signs.
The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is based on the clinical assessment with a mental health professional. The best method is to present the requirements of the disorder to a person that might think they have BPD. Also to ask them when they feel that these characteristics accurately describe them. Some clinicians desire not to share with individuals with BPD what their diagnosis is from concern about the stigma attached. For this condition or because BPD used to be considered untreatable; nonetheless, it is usually helpful for that person with BPD to be aware of their diagnosis. This helps them to know that others have had similar experiences and can point them toward effective treatments.
The psychological evaluation includes asking the client about the beginning and severity of indicators, in addition to other questions about how symptoms affect the client’s quality of life. Issues of particular note are suicidal ideations, experiences with self-harm, and thoughts about harming others. Diagnosis is based either on the person’s report of the outward symptoms and on the clinician’s own observations. Additional tests for BPD can include a physical exam and laboratory evaluations to rule out other possible causes for symptoms; such as thyroid conditions or substance abuse. The ICD-10 manual denotes the disorder as emotionally unstable personality disorder and has corresponding diagnostic criteria. In the DSM 5, the name of this disorder remains the same because of the previous editions.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM 5) has removed the multi-axial system. Consequently, all disorders; including personality disorders are listed in Section II of the manual. A person has to meet 5 of 9 standards to receive a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. The DSM 5 defines the main features of BPD as a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect; as well as markedly spontaneous behavior.
In addition, the DSM 5 proposes alternative diagnostic criteria for BPD in section III, Alternative DSM 5 Type for Personality Disorders. These alternative standards are based on trait research that needs to include specifying 4 of 7 maladaptive functions. According to Marsha Linehan, most mental health professionals find it challenging to diagnose BPD using the DSM criteria; since these requirements describe this type of wide array of behaviors. To tackle this issue, Linehan has grouped the symptoms of BPD beneath 5 main parts of dysregulation: emotions, behavior, interpersonal relationships, sense of self-confidence control; along with cognition.
Both subtypes are described below:
F60.30 Impulsive Type
At least 3 of the following must be present:
Tendency to act unexpectedly and without consideration of the consequences
Marked tendency to engage in quarrelsome behavior and also to have conflicts with others; especially when impulsive acts are thwarted or criticized
Outbursts of anger or violence with inability to control the resulting behavioral explosions
Unstable and capricious (spontaneous, whimsical) disposition.
F60.31 Borderline Type
At least 3 of the symptoms mentioned in F60.30 Impulsive Type; with at least 2 of the following:
Disturbances in and uncertainty about self-image, goals and internal preferences
Become involved in intense and unstable relationships, often leading to emotional crisis
Strong efforts in order to steer clear of abandonment
Perennial threats or acts of self-harm
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Demonstrates impulsive behavior (e.g., speeding in an auto or severe/excessive substance abuse)
A diagnosis of a personality disorder must not be generated during an untreated episode/disorder until the lifetime history affirms the current presence of a personality disorder. This clarifies some overall standards that define what is considered a personality disorder. People with BPD could be misdiagnosed for a variety of reasons. One reason for misdiagnosis is BPD includes outward symptoms that coexist (comorbidity) with other disorders such as depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and bi-polar disorder.
People with BPD are prone to feeling angry at members of their family and alienated from their environment. Family members often feel angry and helpless at how the household is held hostage to BPD. Children of older people with BPD are often both over-involved and under-involved in family interactions. In amorous relationships, BPD is linked to increased levels of chronic tension and conflict, lowered satisfaction of amorous partners, abuse and unwanted pregnancy. However, these links may employ to personality disorders in general.
Onset of symptoms typically happens during adolescence or young adulthood; but outward symptoms because of this disorder can sometimes be observed in children. Signs or symptoms among adolescents that forecast the development of BPD in adulthood may include difficulties with body-image, extreme sensitivity to rejection, behavioral difficulties, non-suicidal self-injury, attempts to find exclusive relationships and acute intense shame.
Many teenagers undergo the symptoms without going on to develop BPD; but individuals who undergo them are 9 times less likely as their peers to develop BPD. They are more likely to develop other forms of long-term social disabilities. Clinicians are discouraged from diagnosing anyone with BPD before the age of 18, on the account of their ups and downs of adolescence and a still-developing personality. However, BPD can sometimes be identified before age 18; in which case the features need to have been present and consistent for at least one year.
A BPD diagnosis in adolescence might predict that the disorder will continue into adulthood. Among teenagers that warrant a BPD diagnosis; there appears to be one group with the disorder that remains stable most of the time and another group of individuals move in and out of the diagnosis. Earlier diagnoses could be helpful in creating an even more effective treatment plan as a teen.
A 2008 study found that at some point in their lives, 75% of people with BPD meet criteria for mood disorders, especially major depression and bi-polar I; and nearly 75% meet requirements for a stress disorder. Nearly 73% meet criteria for substance abuse or dependence; and about 40% for PTSD. It is noteworthy that less than half of these participants with BPD in this study presented with PTSD, a prevalence like that noted in an earlier analysis. The finding that less than half of clients with BPD experience PTSD during their lives, challenges the theory that BPD and PTSD are the same disorder.
There are noticeable sex differences in the kinds of comorbid conditions. A person with BPD is likely to have a higher percentage of men meet standards for substance use disorders; whereas a higher percentage of females with BPD meet requirements for PTSD and eating disorders. In one study, 38% of participants with BPD met the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD. In another analysis, 6 of 41 individuals (15%) met the criteria for an autism spectrum disorder (that experienced significantly more common suicide attempts). Since a more intricate pattern of Axis I diagnoses has been utilized to strongly predict the presence of BPD; clinicians can use the feature of a complex pattern of comorbidity as a clue that BPD could exist.
Many people with borderline personality disorder also have mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder or perhaps a bi-polar disorder. Some characteristics of BPD are similar to mood disorders which can complicate the diagnosis. It is especially common for people to be misdiagnosed with bi-polar disorder when they have borderline personality disorder or vice versa. For someone with bi-polar disorder; behavior indicative of BPD could arise while the client is experiencing an episode of major depression or mania, only to disappear once your client’s disposition has been stabilized.
For this reason, it is ideal to hold back until the client’s disposition has stabilized before attempting to make a diagnosis. At face value, the behaviors of BPD along with the quick disposition cycling of psychiatric disorders can seem quite similar. It can be challenging even for experienced clinicians, if they truly are unfamiliar with BPD, to differentiate among your mood swings of these two conditions. However, you can find some evident differences.
First, the mood swings of BPD and bi-polar disorder often have various durations. In some people with bi-polar disorder; episodes of depression or mania last for at least 2 weeks at one time. That is far longer than moods last in people with BPD. Even among those who undergo bi-polar disorder with quicker mood changes, their moods usually last for days; whereas the moods of individuals with BPD can change in minutes or hours. Therefore whilst euphoria and impulsivity in someone with BPD could resemble a manic episode; the ability would be too quick to be eligible because of a manic episode.
Second, the moods of bi-polar disorder do not respond to fluctuations in the environment; whereas the moods of BPD do respond to fluctuations in the environment. That is, a good event would not elevate the feeling caused by bi-polar disorder. But a good event would potentially lift the depressed mood of someone with BPD. Similarly, an occasion would not dampen the distress caused by bi-polar disorder, but an event that is undesirable could dampen the euphoria of someone with borderline personality disorder.
Third, when individuals with BPD experience euphoria, it is usually without the racing thoughts and decreased need for sleep that is typical of hypomania. However a later 2013 study observed that borderline personality disorder diagnosis and outward symptoms were associated with chronic sleep disturbances, including problems initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep and waking sooner than desired, along with the consequences of inadequate rest. The study also noted that a number of studies have examined the ability of chronic sleep disturbances in those with borderline personality disorder.
Because both conditions have many similar symptoms, BPD was once considered to be a mild form of bi-polar disorder or to exist on the bi-polar spectrum. However, this will require that the underlying mechanism causing these symptoms are exactly the same for both conditions. Differences in phenomenology, family history, longitudinal course, along with responses to treatment indicate that this is not the situation. Researchers have found only a small association involving bi-polar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Benazzi et al. imply that the DSM 5 BPD diagnosis combines two unrelated characteristics: an affective instability dimension related to bi-polar II along with an impulsivity dimension not related to bi-polar II.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) occurs in 3% to 8% of women. Symptoms last 5 to 11 days before menstruation and quit a day or two when it ends. Symptoms may include noticeable mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, a subjective feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control, stress, binge eating, trouble concentrating and substantial impairment of interpersonal relationships. Individuals with PMDD typically begin to see signs in their early 20’s, but many do not seek treatment until their 30’s.
However some of the indicators of PMDD and BPD are similar although they are unique disorders. They are distinguishable through the timing and duration of signs or symptoms, which are markedly different. The indicators of PMDD occur only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, whereas BPD signs come about persistently at all stages of their menstrual period. In addition, the indicators of PMDD usually do not include impulsivity.
Comorbid Axis II Disorders
About 75% of men and women diagnosed with BPD also meet the criteria for another Axis II personality disorder at some point in their lives. The Cluster A disorders: paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal are the most common. The Cluster as a whole affects those with schizotypal alone affecting 33%. BPD is a Cluster B disorder.
Psychotherapy is the popular treatment for borderline personality disorder. Treatments ought to be based on the requirements of the individual rather than upon the diagnosis of BPD. Short-term hospitalization has not been regarded as more effective than community care for improving outcomes or long-term prevention of suicidal behavior in people with BPD. Long-term psychotherapy is now the treatment of choice for BPD. While psychotherapy, in certain dialectical behavior therapy and psychodynamic techniques is effective, the effects are small.
Stricter treatments usually are not substantially superior than other treatments. There are 6 kinds of well-known BPD treatments offered: Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy (DDP), Mentalization-based Treatment (MBT), Transference-focused Psychotherapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), General Psychiatric Management, and also Schema-focused Treatment. Though DBT has been studied the most; all these treatments appear successful for treating BPD, besides Schema-focused Therapy. Long-term remedies of any kind; including Schema-focused Treatment is better than no treatment at all, especially in reducing urges to self-injure.
Transference-Focused Therapy aims to break away from absolute thinking. In this, it gets people to articulate their social interpretations and their emotions in order to show their views into less rigid categories. The therapist handles the individual’s feelings and moves them into more healthy solutions through role play that might happen to them.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy includes comparable components to CBT, adding in modalities like meditation. In doing this, it helps the individual with BPD gain expertise to manage symptoms. These expertise include emotion regulation, mindfulness and pressure resistance. This form of treatment is based on changing beliefs and people’s behaviors by identifying problems from the disorder. CBT is well known to lessen some mood and anxiety symptoms along with lower suicidal thoughts and self-harming behaviors.
Mentalization-based Treatment and Transference-focused Psychotherapy are based on psychodynamic principles, and behavioral based treatment is based on cognitive-behavioral principles and mindfulness. Standard psychiatric management combines the core principles from each of those treatments, and it is considered easier to learn and less intensive. Randomized controlled trials have shown that DBT and MBT may be absolutely the most effective and also the 2 share a lot of similarities. Researchers are interested in developing shorter versions of those remedies to increase availability, to relieve the financial burden on clients, and to relieve the resource load on treatment providers.
Mindfulness-based interventions additionally appear to bring about an improvement in symptoms characteristic of BPD, along with some clients who underwent mindfulness-based treatment no longer met a minimum of 5 of their DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for BPD.
A 2010 review found that no medications show promise for BPD symptoms of chronic feelings of emptiness, identification disturbance and abandonment. However, the study discovered that some medications could affect isolated indicators associated with BPD or even the indicators of comorbid conditions. A 2017 review examined signs and discovered that evidence of efficacy of medication for BPD remains incredibly blended and is nevertheless tremendously compromised by suboptimal research design.
Of the anti-psychotics studied in relation to BPD, haloperidol can decrease flupenthixol and anger may lessen the probability of suicidal behavior. Among the atypical anti-psychotics; one test found that aripiprazole can decrease interpersonal issues and impulsivity. Olanzapine, in addition to quetiapine, can reduce adrenal instability, anger, psychotic paranoid indicators, along with stress; but also a placebo experienced a greater benefit on suicidal ideation than olanzapine did.
Of the disposition stabilizers examined, valproate semisodium might ameliorate depression, impulsivity, interpersonal problems and anger. Lamotrigine can reduce impulsivity and rage; topiramate might ameliorate interpersonal difficulties, impulsivity, stress, anger and general psychiatric pathology. The impact of carbamazepine was not significant. Omega-3 fatty acid can ameliorate suicidality and strengthen depression. At the time of 2017, trials with these medications had not been replicated and the effect of long-term use had not been analyzed. They indicate that a review of this treatment of persons with borderline personality disorder who usually do not have a diagnosed comorbid mental or physical illness and who are currently being prescribed drugs, with the goal of reducing and stopping needless drug treatment.
That is really a significant difference amongst the number of who would gain from treatment and the range of people treated. The so-called treatment gap is a function of the disinclination of those suffering to submit for treatment, an under diagnosing of this disorder by healthcare providers, and the limited accessibility and access to state-of-the-art treatments. The majority of individuals with BPD who have been in treatment continue to use outpatient treatment in a sustained manner for a number of years; but also the amount using the more restrictive and costly forms of treatment, for example as inpatient admission declines with time. Assessing suicide risk can be considered a challenge for clinicians, and clients alike tend to underestimate the lethality of self-injurious behaviors.
Individuals with BPD typically have a chronically elevated risk of suicide much above that of the population along with a history of a number of attempts when in crisis. Approximately 50% of the individuals who commit suicide meet standards for a personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder remains the most commonly associated personality disorder with suicide.
After a client suffering from BPD died, The National Health Service (NHS) in England was criticized by a coroner in 2014 for the absence of commissioned services to support those with BPD. The proof was given that 45% of female clients that have BPD had no provision or concern for therapeutic psychological services. At the time, you can find 60 inpatient beds in England, all of them located in London and the Northeast region.
With treatment, a lot of people with BPD can find relief from distressing signs and symptoms and achieve remission; defined as a consistent respite from signs for at least 2 years. A longitudinal study tracking the signs of people with BPD found that 35% reached remission within a couple of years from the beginning of the analysis. Within 4 years, 50% experienced attained remission, and within 6 years, 69% had reached remission. At the close of the analysis, 74% of individuals have been identified to be in remission. Moreover, of people who accomplished recovery from outward symptoms, only 6% were knowledgeable recurrences. A later study found that 10 years from baseline (during a hospitalization), 86% of clients experienced a sustained and stable recovery from symptoms.
Client personality can perform a significant role during the therapeutic process; leading to higher clinical outcomes. This association had been mediated via the effectiveness of a working alliance between client and therapist. That is, clients acquired stronger working alliances with their therapists; which in turn generated better clinical outcomes.
In addition to recovering from distressing signs and symptoms, people with BPD also achieve high levels of psycho-social functioning. A longitudinal research tracking the social abilities of participants with BPD discovered that 6 years after diagnosis; 56% of individuals experienced greater function in job and social environments; compared to 26% of participants when they were diagnosed were generally more limited, even compared to people with other personality disorders. However, those with indications had remitted significantly more to have great relationships with a partner of at least one parent, superior performance at work and school, a sustained job and school history and a great psycho-social functioning overall.
The prevalence of BPD is initially estimated to be 1% to 2% of the general population and also to happen 3 times more often in women than in men. However, the lifetime incidence of BPD in a 2008 analysis was found to be 6% of the overall population; occurring in both men and women. The gap in rates among men and women in this analysis was not found to be statistically significant.
Borderline personality disorder is estimated to contribute to 20% of psychiatric hospitalizations and to occur among 10% of outpatients. 30% of new inmates in the US State of Iowa fit a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder in 2007. As well as the overall prevalence of BPD in the US prison population is thought to be 17%. These elevated amounts could be related to the frequency of substance abuse use disorders among persons with BPD, which is estimated at 38%.
Even the coexistence of intense, divergent moods within an individual has been realized by Homer, Hippocrates and Aretaeus, the latter describing the vacillating existence of spontaneous rage, melancholia, and mania within a single person. The concept was restored by Swiss physician Théophile Bonet in 1684 who, using the term folie maniaco-mélancolique, described the phenomenon of unstable moods that adopted an unpredictable course. Other writers noted the same pattern, including the American psychiatrist Charles H. Hughes in 1884 and J.C. Rosse in 1890; who both called the disorder borderline insanity. In 1921, Kraepelin recognized an excitable personality that closely parallels the borderline features outlined in the present concept of BPD.
The very first significant psychoanalytic tool to use the definition of borderline has been published by Adolf Stern in 1938. It described a set of clients suffering from what he considered a mild form of schizophrenia, on the borderline between neurosis and psychosis.
The 1960s and 70s saw a shift from thinking of the condition as borderline schizophrenia into thinking of it as a borderline degenerative disorder (mood disorder); on the fringes of bi-polar disorder, cyclothymia, along with dysthymia. The DSM 2 stresses the intensity and variability of moods; it was called cyclothymic personality (affective personality). While the term borderline was evolving to refer to a distinct category of disorder, psychoanalysts such as Otto Kernberg ended up using it to consult with a broad array of issues; describing an intermediate level of personality disorder between neurosis and psychosis.
The diagnosis was distinguished from sub-syndromal schizophrenia, which was termed Schizotypal personality disorder. The DSM 4 Axis II Work Group of the American Psychiatric Association finally decided on the name borderline personality disorder, and it is still in use by the DSM 5 today. However, the term borderline was described as visually inadequate for describing the outward characteristic of this disorder. Before the various versions found within in the DSM editions throughout the years; prior to this multi-axial diagnosis system which classified most people with mental health problems into 2 categories, both the psychotics and the neurotics.
Clinicians noted a certain type of neurotics that, when in crisis, appeared to straddle the borderline into psychosis. The definition of developed and trapped into the personality disorder diagnosis of now. The authenticity of individuals with personality disorders has been questioned at the very least since the 1960s. Two concerns are the incidence of dissociation episodes among people with BPD along with the impression that lying is really a vital component of this condition.
Researchers disagree if dissociation or even an awareness of detachment from emotions and experiences, influences the ability of people with BPD to recall the particulars of previous occasions. A 1999 study noted that the specificity of autobiographical memory had been lessened in BPD clients. The researchers found that decreased capacity to recall specifics has been correlated with a client’s level of dissociation. However, others pose that they have infrequently seen lying among clients with BPD in clinical treatment.
Since BPD can be described as a stigmatizing diagnosis even within the mental health community, some survivors of childhood abuse that are identified with BPD are re-traumatized by the negative responses they get from healthcare providers. One study asserts that it would be wise to identify these men or women with post-traumatic stress disorder, as this may admit the effects of abuse on the behavior. Critics of the PTSD diagnosis assert that it medicalizes abuse rather than addressing the root causes in modern culture. A diagnosis of PTSD does not encircle all characteristics of this disorder.
Up to 80% of BPD clients have been women. That may not be true in the general community though. Here are the following explanations regarding these sex discrepancies. The explanation for sex differences in clinical trials is that women are somewhat more inclined to produce the kind of signs that bring clients in for treatment. In contrast, there is a preponderance of men meeting requirements for substance abuse along with psychopathy, and males with such disorders usually do not fundamentally present in the mental health system. Men and women with equivalent issues could express distress otherwise.
Men tend to drink more and carry out further crimes. Women have a tendency to raise their anger on themselves, leading to depression in addition to the cutting and overdosing described with BPD. Thus, anti-social personality disorder (ASPD) and borderline personality disorders are derived from equivalent underlying pathology, but existing with signs and symptoms strongly influenced by gender.
We have more special evidence that men with BPD might not seek help. In a study of successful suicides among people aged 18 to 35 years, 30% of those suicides involved individuals with BPD (as confirmed by psychological autopsy, in which signs were evaluated by interviews with family members). Most of the successful suicides have been men, and very few had been in treatment. Related findings emerged from the later study conducted by the research group (McGirr, Paris, Lesage, Renaud and Turecki, 2007).
Men are less inclined to seek or take appropriate treatment, they are far more inclined to be treated for apparent symptoms of BPD such as substance abuse rather than BPD itself (the indicators of BPD and ASPD possibly deriving from a similar underlying etiology). Potentially more inclined to end up in the correctional system as a result of criminal behavior, and possibly more inclined to perpetrate suicide ahead of diagnosis. Among men diagnosed with BPD there is also evidence of the higher suicide rate. Men tend to be more than 2 times as likely as women (18% as opposed to 8%) to die by suicide.
There are also gender differences in borderline personality disorders. Men with BPD are more inclined to abuse substances, have explosive temper levels, and have anti-social, narcissistic, passive-aggressive or sadistic personality characteristics. Women with BPD are more likely to have eating disorders, mood disorders, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Manipulative behavior to obtain nurturance is considered from both the DSM-5-TR and mental health professionals as a defining characteristic of borderline personality disorder. However, Marsha Linehan notes that the assumption that people with BPD who communicate intense pain, or that engage in self-harm and suicidal behavior, do so with all the intention of influencing the behavior of others. The effect of such behavior on others; often an intense emotional reaction in concerned friends, family members and therapists is hence assumed to have become the person’s intention. However, their expressions of intense pain, self-harming, or even psychiatric behavior may instead represent a method of mood regulation or even an escape mechanism from situations that feel excruciating.
People with BPD often elicit intense emotions. Pejorative phrases to characterize people with BPD, such as challenging, treatment resistant, manipulative, demanding and attention seeking are often used and might become a self-fulfilling prophecy since the negative treatment of the individuals triggers farther self-destructive behavior. While movies and visual media often sensationalize people with BPD by portraying them as abusive; the majority of researchers concur that people with BPD are not unlikely to physically harm others. Although people with BPD often have trouble with experiences of intense anger, yet a defining characteristic of BPD is that they direct it inward hurting themselves.
One of the vital differences between BPD and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is that men and women with BPD have a tendency to internalize anger from hurting themselves, while people with ASPD often externalize this by hurting others.
In addition, adults with BPD were abused in their childhood, thus many persons with BPD adopt a no-tolerance plan towards expressions of rage of any kind. Their extreme aversion to violence can cause persons with BPD to overcompensate and experience difficulties being calmed and expressing their needs. This is one method in which people with BPD opt to harm themselves over potentially causing harm to others. Another way in which individuals with BPD avoid expressing their rage is by causing bodily damage to themselves; such as engaging in non-suicidal self-injury.
Men and women with BPD are considered to be among the very challenging classes of clients to work with in treatment, requiring a high level of skill and training for the psychiatrists, therapists and nurses involved in their treatment. The bulk of psychiatric personnel report finding individuals with BPD moderately to extremely tricky to work with and challenging than other treatment groups. Efforts are ongoing to boost public and general attitudes toward individuals with BPD.
In psychoanalytic theory, the stigmatization among mental health care providers may be thought to signify counter-transference (when a therapist projects his or her own feelings on to a client). Ergo, a diagnosis of BPD often claims more about the clinician’s negative reaction to the client than it does about the client and explains the breakdown in empathy among your therapist and the client becomes an institutional epithet in the guise of pseudo-scientific jargon.
Some clients feel the diagnosis is helpful by allowing them to comprehend that they are not alone. Also to connect with others with BPD who have developed helpful coping mechanisms. However, others go through the word borderline personality disorder like a pejorative label rather than an informative diagnosis. They record concerns that their behavior is incorrectly perceived as manipulative and that the stigma surrounding this disorder limits their usage of health care. Indeed, mental health professionals often refuse to provide services to people who have gotten a BPD diagnosis.
Because of concerns around stigma, also because of the original theoretical basis for the term, there is an ongoing debate about renaming borderline personality disorder. While some clinicians agree with the present name; others assert that it ought to be shifted, since many people who have been tagged with borderline personality disorder find the name unhelpful, stigmatizing or inaccurate. The Research Advancement Association for Personality Disorders states that the name BPD is confusing, imparts no relevant or descriptive information and reinforces existing stigma.
Impulse disorders and interpersonal regulatory disorder have been other valid alternatives. Another term is post traumatic personality disorder (PTPD), reflecting the condition’s status as either a form of chronic post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and also a personality disorder. However, even though some with BPD have traumatic histories, some do not report any kind of traumatic incident; which suggests that BPD is not of necessity an injury spectrum disorder.
Pictures and television shows have depicted characters explicitly identified with or exhibiting characteristics indicative of BPD. These can be misleading if they are thought to depict this disorder accurately. The majority of researchers agree that in reality, people with BPD are unlikely to hurt others. It has been suggested that the behavior of the leading character in “Looking for Mr. Goodbar” (1975) is consistent with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.
The films, “Perform Misty for Me” (1971) along with “Girl, Interrupted” (1999, based on the eponymous memoir), the 2 imply the emotional instability of the disorder. The film, “Single White Female” (1992), as the very first example of BPD; displays characteristics that are actually atypical of the disorder. The character Hedy had disturbed awareness of identity and reacts drastically to abandonment. In a review of the film “Shame” (2011), Carey Mulligan’s portrayal of the character with the disorder is highly praised, although it is not ever mentioned onscreen.
It has been argued that the Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader character in the Star Wars movies meets 6 of the 9 diagnostic criteria; which is a useful example to explain BPD to medical students. Anakin/Darth displays abandonment issues, uncertainty over his individuality and dissociative episodes. On television, The CW show “My Insane Ex-Girlfriend” portrays a main character with borderline personality disorder, and Emma Stone’s personality in the Netflix mini-series “Maniac” is identified with the BPD disorder as well. Additionally in “A Song of Ice and Fire” along with its particular television adaptation, “Game of Thrones,” have characteristics of borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.
Management of Residential Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment
There has traditionally been skepticism about the treatment of personality disorders, but specific types of psychotherapy for BPD have evolved in the last several years. There is growing evidence for the role of psychotherapy in the treatment of men and women with BPD. With indications that equally comprehensive and also non-comprehensive psychotherapeutic interventions can have a beneficial influence. Therapy alone can enhance self-esteem and mobilize the existing advantages of individuals with BPD.
Particular psychotherapies may involve sessions over several months or as is very common for personality disorders, many years. Psychotherapy can often be conducted either with individuals or with classes. Group therapy can certainly help the learning and exercise of interpersonal skills and self awareness by individuals with BPD; nevertheless drop-out rates could be problematic.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
University of Washington psychology professor, Marsha Linehan is credited with developing the first empirically endorsed conventional treatment for BPD, termed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). DBT climbed dramatically in acceptance among mental health professionals following the publication of Linehan’s treatment guides for DBT in 1993. DBT was originally produced as an intervention for clients that meet criteria for BPD and especially people who are suicidal.
DBT draws its principles from behavioral science (including cognitive-behavioral techniques), dialectical doctrine, and contemporary exercise. The treatment emphasizes balancing approval and shift (hence dialectic), with the overall objective of helping clients not just live but build a lifetime really worth living. Treatment is delivered in 4 stages, with self-harm along with other life-threatening issues taking serious concern. Clients are encouraged to experience the painful emotions that they have already been avoiding. They also address issues of living skills such as, career, school and minuscule everyday troubles.
DBT Encircles 4 Manners of Therapy
The 1st mode is your traditional individual treatment involving a single therapist and client.
The 2nd style of treatment is experience training; which is a center component of DBT and learning new behavioral skills (including mindfulness, interpersonal success (e.g., appropriate assertiveness and social interaction), coping with distress along with crises and identifying and regulating emotional reactions.
The 3rd manner of therapy focuses on helping clients integrate their abilities taught from DBT into real life situations. This usually involves coaching in the form of telephone contact outside of normal therapy hours. These calls are all usually short-term interactions focused on helping clients apply specific coping skills to circumstances they are experiencing.
The 4th style of therapy is the use of a consultation team designed to further encourage the client and support the therapist. These teams have several functions including reducing therapist burnout, providing remedy for those therapists, improving empathy for clients and providing ongoing consultations for client difficulties.
The goal of all DBT treatment approaches is to minimize the ineffective action trends linked to dysregulated emotions. DBT is based on the biosocial theory of personality functioning. The core difficulty is seen as the breakdown of the client’s cognitive, behavioral and emotional regulation systems when experiencing intense emotions. Even the etiology of BPD is seen as a predisposition toward emotional dysregulation combined with a sensed invalidating social environment. DBT can be based on a biosocial theory of personality functioning in which BPD is seen like a biological disorder of emotional regulation in a social environment, characterized as invalidating from the borderline client.
DBT was shown to significantly reduce self-injury, suicidal behavior, impulsivity, self-imposed anger and also the use of crisis services among borderline clients. These reductions have been identified even when other treatment factors like therapist encounter, affordability of treatment, gender of the therapist and also the amount of hours spent in individual treatment. In a meta-analysis it had been discovered that DBT was moderately powerful.
However, none of the researched remedies (including CBT) fulfilled the criteria for empirically supported treatment. The additional effectiveness in the overall treatment of BPD is not as evident. Future research is needed to isolate the specific components of DBT that are most effective in treating BPD. Training nurses in the use of DBT has been proven to replace a therapeutic pessimism with an even far more optimistic understanding and outlook.
Schema Therapy
Schema treatment (also called schema-focused treatment) is an integrative method based on cognitive-behavioral or skills-based methods along with object relations and Gestalt approaches. It directly targets deeper aspects of emotion, personality and schemas (fundamental means of categorizing and reacting to the world). The treatment additionally focuses on the relationship with the therapist (including a process of limited re-parenting), lifestyle outside of treatment and also traumatic childhood adventures. Limited current research implies that it is significantly more powerful than transference-focused psychotherapy, with as much as 50% of individuals with borderline personality disorder assessed as having attained complete recovery after 4 years, with 2/3 showing clinically significant improvement.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is probably one of the absolute most widely used and established emotional treatments for mental disorders; but has also worked less efficiently in BPD, thanks partially to problems in developing a therapeutic relationship and treatment adherence. Approaches such as DBT and Schema-focused treatment formulated partly as an attempt to expand and contribute to traditional CBT that uses a limited quantity of sessions to target distinct maladaptive patterns of thought, perception and behavior. A modern study found a number of sustained benefits of CBT, in addition to treatment as usual, immediately after the average of 16 sessions within 1 year.
It is in the apparition of the DSM 5 that the definition took two orientations: psychiatric as one and behavioral as the other. According to this particular split; the diagnosis occurs on a character objectivizing with ascendancy of symptoms to be eradicated or it indicates a particular sort of client of psychoanalysts to treat in modalities separate from these typical approaches.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PP) is a distinct type of psychotherapy, based from psychoanalysis. It reaches from 10 to 25 sessions (short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy) to around 200 sessions. The main emphasis of the measures are various. Comparable treatment principles mainly focus on 1 or even several target problems using the foundation of modern psychoanalytical concepts. Results of meta-analysis show that psychodynamic psychotherapy has enormous results in the treatment of personality disorders. The results assumed that psychodynamic psychotherapy causes long-term fluctuations in personality disorders.
Transference-focused Psychotherapy
The transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) is a form of psychoanalytic treatment dating to the 1960s, suspended in the conceptions of Otto Kernberg on BPD and its particular underlying structure (borderline personality disorder). Unlike in the case of traditional psychoanalysis; the therapist plays an exact part in TFP. In session the therapist functions on the relationship between the client and the therapist. The therapist will attempt to explore and clarify aspects of this relationship, So the underlying object relations dyads become clear.
Some limited research on TFP indicates it can lessen some signs of BPD by affecting certain underlying processes, also that TFP in comparison with dialectical behavioral treatment and supportive therapy results in increased reflective functioning (the ability to realistically think about how others think) as well as a more secure attachment mode. Additional TFP has been shown to become effective as DBT in improvement of suicidal behavior, and is significantly more effective than DBT in alleviating rage and also in reducing verbal or direct assaultive behavior. Limited research suggests that TFP appears to be less effective than schema-focused therapy, although being significantly more effective than no treatment at all.
Cognitive Analytic Treatment
Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) combines cognitive and analytic procedures and was adapted for use with individuals with BPD with combined yet somewhat ambiguous results.
Mentalization Based Treatment
Mentalization based treatment (MBT), rests on the assumption that people with BPD have a disturbance of attachment because of problems in early parent-child relationship. MBT hypothesizes that inadequate parental mirroring and attunement in childhood lead to a deficit in mentalization; the capacity to think about mental states as separate from, yet potentially causing actions. In other words, the capacity to intuitively comprehend the thoughts, intentions and motivations of others and also the connections between one’s own thoughts, feelings and actions.
Mentalization based treatment intends to develop a client’s self-regulation capacity by way of a psychodynamically informed multi-modal treatment plan that incorporates individual psychotherapy in a therapeutic community, partial hospitalization or an outpatient setting. In a randomized controlled trial, a set of BPD clients received 18 months of intensive partial-hospitalization MBT followed closely by 18 months of psychotherapy and were followed over 5 years. The treatment group showed significant advantages throughout a reach of measures including the lower number of suicide attempts, lesser time in hospital and paid off use of medication.
Marital or Family Treatment
Marital and/or family therapy can be helpful in stabilizing the marital or family relationship and in reducing conflict and anxiety that can aggravate BPD signs and symptoms. Family therapy or psycho-education can help educate household members regarding BPD, increase family communication and problem solving, and provide support to family members in dealing with their loved one’s ailment. The family members involvement can help clinicians plan effective interventions to help avoid over involvement and therefore failure. Borderline clients who are from over involved family members are often consciously struggling with codependency issues of denial or from rage aimed at their mother or father.
A review from 2010 discovered that some pharmacological interventions (2nd generation antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and nutritional supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids) might provide favorable effects. However, the authors warned that overall BPD severity is not significantly influenced by almost any drug and that the evidence generated by the review was based on single analysis impact estimates. No promising results were designed for the BPD symptoms of chronic feelings of emptiness, identity disturbance and abandonment.
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants have been shown in randomized controlled trials to improve the attendant signs of stress and depression, such as anger and hostility associated with BPD in some clients. According to the directions on Prozac; it requires a higher dose of an SSRI to treat mood disorders associated with BPD than with just depression alone. It normally takes about 3 months for positive results to emerge; when compared to 3 to 6 weeks for depression.
The newer atypical antipsychotics have been claimed to have an improved negative side effect compared to normal antipsychotics. Antipsychotics are also sometimes used to treat disorders in thinking or fictitious perceptions. One meta-analysis of 2 randomly controlled trials, 2 non-controlled open trials and 8 other reports all suggested that various atypical antipsychotics, including olanzapine, clozapine, quetiapine and risperidone can help BPD clients with psychotic-like, spontaneous or suicidal symptoms. Atypical antipsychotics are famous for often causing considerable weight gain with associated health complications.
Mood Stabilizers
Mood stabilizers (used primarily to treat esophageal disorders) such as lithium or lamotrigine may be of some use to help depression or labile intervals, along with rapid variations in disposition.
Services and Recovery
People with borderline personality disorder accounted for about 20% of psychiatric hospitalizations. The majority of BPD clients continue to use outpatient treatment in a sustained manner for several years; but also the number using the restrictive and costly forms of treatment, such as inpatient treatment seems to be declining with time. Assessing suicide risk can be a challenge for mental health providers (and clients themselves often tend to underestimate the lethality of self-injurious behaviors) with typically a chronically elevated risk of suicide much above that of their typical population as well as also a history of several attempts when in crisis.
Particular complications have now been found in the relationship among care providers and individuals identified with BPD. The bulk of psychiatric caregivers report finding individuals with BPD moderately to extremely hard to work with, and more difficult compared to other types of groups. On the other hand, those with the diagnosis of BPD have noted that the word BPD was sensed as a pejorative label rather than a helpful diagnosis. That unexpected behavior was incorrectly perceived as manipulative and that they experienced limited accessibility to proper healthcare. Attempts are made to increase public and staff awareness, education and overall attitudes.
Combining Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy and medication can often be combined, but there is limited data on clinical studies. Scientific reports often measure the effectiveness of interventions when inserted to treatment, which may possibly involve overall psychiatric services, encouraging counseling, medication and psychotherapy.
One small analysis, which excluded individuals with a comorbid Axis disorder, has indicated that clients undergoing Dialectical Behavioral Treatment and taking the antipsychotic Olanzapine show significantly more improvement on some measures related to BPD. In contrast to people undergoing DBT and taking a placebo pill, even though they also develop excess weight gain and also raised cholesterol. Another small study found that clients who had undergone DBT then obtained fluoxetine (Prozac) showed no significant improvements, whereas people that underwent DBT then obtained a placebo pill did show significant improvements.
Complications in Treatment
There can be challenges in the treatment of BPD, such as in hospital care. In psychotherapy, a client may be unusually sensitive to rejection and abandonment and may react negatively (e.g., by harming themselves or withdrawing from treatment) should they feel this. In addition; clinicians may emotionally distance themselves from individuals with BPD for self-protection or as a result of stigma associated with the diagnosis; leading into a cycle of stigmatization to which each client and therapist can contribute.
Adherence to medication regimens is also an issue; due in part to negative results, with drop-out rates between 50% and 88% in medication trials. Comorbid disorders, especially substance use disorders can complicate attempts to achieve remission.
Other Strategies
It has been contended that the diagnostic categorization can have limited utility in directing therapeutic function in this region, and that in some cases it is only with reference to current and past relationships that borderline behavior can be known as partly adaptive and how humans can best be helped.
Numerous other strategies may be used, including alternative medicine techniques; exercise and health and fitness, including team sports; occupational therapy techniques, including creative artwork; having structure and routine to the days; especially through employment helping feelings of proficiency (e.g., self-efficacy), having a social purpose and being valued by others therefore boosting self-esteem.
Group-based emotional services encourage clients to socialize and participate in both solitary and group tasks. Therapeutic communities are an illustration of this, especially in Europe; however their usage has declined and several have specialized in the treatment of other severe personality disorders.
Psychiatric rehabilitation services aimed at helping people with mental health issues lessen psychosocial disability; engage in meaningful pursuits and steer clear of stigma and social exclusion which may be of value to people who suffer from BPD. There are also many mutual-support or even co-counseling classes established for individuals with BPD. Services, or individual goals, are increasingly based on the recovery version that supports and emphasizes an individual’s personal journey along with prospective.
Data indicates that the diagnosis of BPD is more changeable in time just like the DSM has. Substantial percentages (for example around 33%, depending on criteria) of persons identified with BPD reach remission within 1 or 2 years. A longitudinal study found that 6 years after being diagnosed with BPD, 56% showed excellent psychosocial functioning, compared to 26% at baseline. Even though vocational achievement was limited even in comparison to people with other personality disorders; those with symptoms were significantly more likely to have an excellent relationship with a spouse/partner and at least one parent, very superior work/school performance, a sustained work/school history, very excellent general functioning along with excellent psychosocial functioning.
No matter how mild or severe your BPD is; we are here to provide the guidance and support you require. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers knows how to help you overcome borderline personality disorder by means of residential evidence-based treatment methods and inpatient cutting-edge therapies.
How Does Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Treat Borderline Personality Disorder?
Successful borderline personality disorder residential treatment is frequently complicated by means of a reluctance to release feelings of self-hatred along with rage. Furthermore, the rejection of attempts to help often drives friends and relatives away, and also can get in the way of connecting with professionals who attempt to treat the personality disorder.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential Treatment Center recognizes the special requirements of those seeking treatment for borderline personality disorder along with other psychiatric disorders. Our compassionate BPD treatment staff knows that without an understanding of personality disorders and individual attention to your emotional needs; treatment efforts may actually increase your emotional volatility and anxiety.
Our treatment technique combines dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) with recovery principles (equine) into an integrated, holistic treatment plan distinctively tailored to treating borderline personality disorder. The dialectic behavioral therapy is actually a form of integrated treatment combining behavioral, cognitive, meditative and encouraging therapies. Developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, DBT emphasizes teaching you how to experience your emotions and create a lifestyle worth living. DBT functions to replace experiencing emotional chaos or attempting to manage it as a result of a damaging behavior with an outlook that allows the client to come up with a tactic to enhance their life.
We Have The Best Borderline Personality Disorder Residential Treatment!
Supported by leading personality disorder treatment experts; every resident suffering with BPD will explore methods to become more mindful of their feelings. Each resident receives coaching and reinforcement in vital parts of interpersonal skills, distress tolerance and management, reality endorsement abilities and emotional regulation skills. Our personality disorder treatment system handles the disorder as an entire person able to address their:
Social & Family Relationships
One of the advantages of personality disorder treatment at a holistic residential treatment center like Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is that you will realize you are not alone. Especially in experiencing emotional swings, individuality issues, or in addressing other co-occurring eating disorders and addictions. We realize the significance of creating an environment where you feel safe expressing your feelings and talking about your symptoms without being judged for what you share. A person with borderline personality disorder will understand from staff and other residents who know that your fight to make constructive decisions when your emotions feel overwhelming.
We leverage the experience of our whole personality disorders and addiction treatment staff to customize your care. This collaborative approach is one of those distinguishing elements of treatment for personality disorders, eating disorders as well as other addictive behaviors at a leading rehab center like Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers BPD Residential Treatment Center.
Before Your Admission
Consideration of every client’s treatment begins during the admissions process. Both you and your family provide background about your challenges, symptoms and past behavioral patterns. Immediately after obtaining consent, we talk to your former treatment providers to gather additional information about your medical history, personality disorder treatment advancement and stumbling blocks to achieving or maintaining recovery from other addictions or eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia.
Post-Intake Assessment
Once you are admitted, every single resident undergoes an extensive assessment by one of our psychiatrists. You are subsequently delegated a treatment team, whom you will meet with in the coming times:
Primary Therapist
Family & Group Therapist
Psychiatrist or Medical Personale
Someone who displays indications of a mood disorder or other co-occurring psychiatric disorders may possibly undergo additional testing to confirm that their residential treatment program is comprehensive. Every treatment team member also completes a written assessment within your earliest days at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers. The findings from such types of assessments are shared with our full clinical and medical team that have to deal with the components of your treatment on a daily basis.
The therapist will discuss treatment recommendations with you, who will have input into the goals for your treatment and will decide on several optional elements of your treatment plan. You will be asked to sign off on your treatment targets along with the ongoing progression of your treatment plan as a form of self-accountability; giving you ownership of your own recovery from the beginning.
The treatment team will meet weekly throughout your stay and consult with you as often as needed to remain updated on your current progress. If new symptoms arise, you can experience additional psychological testing to assure that your personality disorder treatment considers all important aspects of your mental health. Additionally, if you present with medical symptoms or complications from bulimia or anorexia or substance abuse; you may be referred to consulting healthcare providers like a cardiologist, gynecologist, dentist or nephrologist.
What Is Offered At Our Inpatient BPD Treatment Center?
An individual’s experience at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential Treatment Center can vary dramatically from other personality disorder treatment plans, drug rehab centers or eating disorder treatment centers you have attended in the past. Anyone recovering from personality disorders, anorexia, bulimia and/or addictive disorders must acquire tools and coping skills to help you stay in recovery when you encounter triggers or feel the urge to do something unhealthy. We work with our residents to help them recognize exactly the conscious decisions they are making throughout their daily life, especially those decisions they make when they experience unexplained feelings of self-loathing.
Our supportive team offers ongoing assistance as you learn to use new skill sets in situations in which you have old habits that result in self-destructive behaviors. As you gain confidence in your ability to make positive/healthy decisions, you undergo improved self-esteem, social acceptance, reduced stress and anxiety, no more self-harming and increased self-awareness.
Our extensive and individualized treatment plans use approaches proven to help you learn to manage your emotions and develop the tools to recover from a borderline personality disorder. Examples include:
One-on-One Therapy Sessions
Expressive and Recreational Therapy
Education about Mental Health and ongoing Recovery
Group Sessions
Behavior Modification
Emotion Regulation
Family Treatment
Medical/Psychiatric Consultation
Harm Reduction
Expressive Therapy Provides A Productive Outlet For Intricate Emotions
Expressive therapy was clinically shown to promote healing and recovery, in addition to providing a needed creative outlet for you during your treatment and beyond. For you who may have endured setbacks in your life because of unaddressed borderline personality signs; expressive therapy could be especially healing. Our expressive therapy schedule includes a range of outlets you can pick based on your own personal interests.
Here is a brief list of some of the Expressive Therapy we offer our BPD clientele:
Art Therapy (painting and sculpture as well as other mediums)
Dance/Movement Therapy
Empowerment Team (experiential trauma recovery)
Outdoor Recreational Therapy (volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton or gardening)
The Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers admissions team is here to help you. When treating you for mood disorders, eating disorders, or other addictive disorders; our technical treatment team at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential Treatment Center never assumes we are treating an isolated disease. Usually, co-occurring drug addiction, alcoholism, anorexia nervosa or bulimia is associated with BPD. Feelings of self-hatred, shame, or anxiety worsened by psychiatric conditions is referenced as a co-occurring disorder (dual-diagnosis).Women suffering from borderline personality disorder and a co-occurring eating disorder or substance addiction face unique challenges that require technical treatment and support in recovery. For these women, the holistic, integrated treatment system at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential Treatment Center can inspire a new hope for recovery from a BPD personality disorder and confidence in a brighter future. Co-occurring disorders are known frequently in women with a borderline personality disorder; but not addressed appropriately by medical and behavioral health professionals that are primarily concerned with addressing other disorders. Medical researchers have found that the huge percentage of those who have an addiction or chemical dependency have at least one other mental ailment and/or personality disorder. An addictive disorder persists along with at least one other psychiatric illness that is active and negatively affects the recovery process. Women with co-occurring disorders tend to have more acute symptoms of mental illness and higher possibility for relapse.
Cases of other psychiatric conditions frequently co-exist with substance abuse, eating disorders and other addictions such as:
Bi-polar Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Different Phobias and Compulsions
For clients with co-occurring disorders, attempts to treat only the BPD personality disorder, substance abuse, or eating disorder in isolation is at best incomplete, and at worst counter-productive. Life-long recovery requires an understanding of your condition and the complicated interactions involving it.
Call Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential Treatment Center now to learn more about how our BPD disorder treatment specialists can help you or your loved one overcome borderline personality disorder, anorexia, bulimia, or other co-occurring disorders. We currently only serve adults suffering from BPD 24/7/365 as far as admission is concerned.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a significant mental disease characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, behavior and self-image; usually disrupting lifestyle, long-term planning, and interfering with an individual’s awareness of self-identity. Although originally thought to be at the borderline of psychosis (thus its name), folks with BPD actually experience from a disorder of emotional regulation. BPD has a higher rate of self-injury, suicide attempts and successful suicides in severe cases. Individuals with BPD may experience intense bouts of anger, depression and anxiety that may last only hours, or at most a day.
These indicators might include spontaneous aggression, self-injury and drug or alcohol abuse, frequent changes in long-term objectives, career plans, jobs, friendships, gender identity and values. Other spontaneous behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex manifest themselves often, and BPD often co-occurs with other psychiatric problems such as bi-polar disorder, depression, stress disorders, as well as other personality disorders.
The symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder have already been noted and listed from the earliest times. The current presence of impulsive anger, melancholy, along with mania has been described from far back. Following the suppression of this concept during the Middle Ages (due in part to the conflict it created with ecclesiastical teachings), far more significant acknowledgement of its existence begins in the mid-17th century.
By the late 1930s, the first clinical analysis of the disorder arises; however deficiency of particular definitions and terminology hindered scientific studies as the word borderline became a catchall term employed to a number of conditions. By the late 1970s, efforts were made to create a standardized version of BPD, and by 1980 it was known because of personality disorder in the DSM 3, with all the current terminology established from the APA.
Because of the deficiency in understanding and also the development of definitive criteria; BPD has long been looked upon like a set of behaviors rooted in the decision making process of the individual. People with BPD symptoms have long been called challenging, troublesome, manipulative, moody and also a wide-range of terms that indicate the issue rests with the individual. It is only a question of wanting to behave properly that will make things better. Today, though it is considered a personality disorder; people that have been identified as having BPD, have been looked upon fearfully because of the previous misunderstandings.
Compassionate Residential Treatment For Borderline Personality Disorder
Significant innovations in residential treatment for BPD have emerged in the past several years. Research show that class and individual psychotherapy can be effective for most clients, and the development of Dialectical Behavior Treatment (DBT) shows great promise. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers has the knowledge and skills as well as qualified team members at their residential treatment to help you with your BPD symptoms.
Because Serotonin, norepinephrine and acetylcholine are among the chemical messengers that play a large part in the regulation of emotions; including depression, anger, stress, irritability and drugs that enhance the current presence of the chemicals as well as their functions may improve emotional symptoms in BPD; allowing people with BPD to manage their symptoms in the same fashion other individuals deal with their diabetes or high blood pressure. For inpatient treatment of borderline personality disorder, long-term rehabilitation seems to be one of most influential treatment modalities. Especially those with drug addiction or alcoholism. This is a result of the elevated structure and constant therapeutic support.
Residential Mental Health Treatment For Borderline Personality Disorder
Mental health experts started officially recognizing borderline personality disorder in the 1980s. Originally, BPD was on the edge between neurosis and psychosis. However, experts no longer consider it to accurately describe those core behaviors. In order to help individuals achieve stability, mental health professionals have grown many borderline personality disorder treatment tactics.
BPD itself is a very significant mental illness in which people cannot control their emotions, moods or even instincts. These issues often lead to relationships with friends, loved ones and romantic partners. Individuals with BPD often act out negatively. They typically bounce in between everything in their own lives; including emotions and self-image. The main cause for their reaction(s) is from what happens to them; such as hearing awful news or dealing with flawed self-perceptions or stressful situations.
Borderline Personality Disorder Causes Of Signs Or Symptoms
Experts have no idea of the precise causes of BPD. Much like with most mental disorders, they believe that life, genetics and various social elements contribute. Additionally, individuals are far more likely to produce BPD when a detailed family member has got it. They have a greater risk if they have bad communication or problems within their own families. Emotional, physical or sexual abuse as a child or adolescent can also cause BPD to grow. Not everyone experiences BPD in exactly the same manner. Because of that, a combination of borderline personality disorder treatment options are necessary. In some more severe cases, doctors may recommend hospitalization.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Has A Variety Of Therapies Available!
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers uses a variety of treatments that helps with BPD; adapting the treatment according to each person’s desires. The goal is always to focus on the capacity to function and also manage the emotions that cause you discomfort. You will learn how to control your impulses and also be aware of other’s feelings. Normal psychiatric management is dependent on feelings of emotionally difficult moments. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) educates our residents’ capabilities to enhance relationships, manage emotions and also to tolerate distress. Mentalization-based treatment helps you spot your feelings and thoughts before you react. You will learn to create alternate viewpoints in everyday life conditions.
Transference-focused psychotherapy helps people comprehend their emotions and social knowledge. Schema-focused treatment helps you pinpoint unmet demands that have triggered negative patterns in your life. Even though these patterns have been once helpful for survival, they’ve become harmful in adulthood. During treatment, our inpatient clients know healthy and constructive patterns to meet their needs.
Appropriate Medications For Borderline Personality Disorder
Medicine could be part of your borderline personality disorder residential treatment for some of our clientele. Antidepressants, tranquilizers and feeling stabilizers are a few examples. The goal of these meds is always to reduce symptoms or control co-occurring illnesses. These usually include anxiety, aggression, depression and negative impulsive actions/behaviors. If you or a loved one have BPD, the proper inpatient treatment can make an impact. Along with borderline personality disorder treatment, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers additionally offers:
Substance Abuse Treatment
Bi-polar Disorder Treatment
Depression Treatment
Anxiety Treatment
PTSD Treatment
Trauma Informed Care Treatment
Our range of mental health treatment includes behavioral and cognitive therapies. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers provides team treatment, mindfulness classes activities, equine therapy and yoga. Our compassionate services help you acquire coping and daily life skills. In addition, you can enjoy our health and exercise rooms, library and computer laboratory, as well as music and art classes. Don’t let BPD damage your relationships or cause strain in other areas of your life. Get the help that you deserve. Call us today so that Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers can start helping you.
Learn About BPD And Residential Treatment Resources
Borderline personality disorder is a complex mental disorder characterized by shaky moods, behaviors, as well as relationships. Men and women with the condition may have a problem with self-image difficulties, feelings of self-doubt, an intense fear of abandonment along with low self-worth. Individuals with BPD often have difficulties controlling their emotional reactions, which can cause self-harm and suicidal behaviors. It is common for people with this disorder to have elevated rates of co-occurring disorders; such as substance use disorders like depression, anxiety disorders and eating disorders.
It is estimated that 1.6% of the adult US population has BPD, but nevertheless, it can be as large as 5.9%. Nearly 75% of people identified with the condition are women, but the latest research shows that men may be as often affected. In years past, men with BPD were often misdiagnosed with PTSD or depression.
Borderline Personality Disorder Inpatient Treatment At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers
At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers, we know what it means to have borderline personality disorder; also we are here to help you like no one else. We combine the maximum quality care, research and clinical training to provide unparalleled specialization services for adults dealing with BPD. Offering individual and family services that have demonstrated results, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers has technical residential and partial hospital (daytime) programs and outpatient care with an array of treatments for co-occuring diagnoses and other symptoms like depression, stress, addiction and self-harming behaviors.
Our therapeutic techniques, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and mentalization-based treatment (MBT) helps our clients with the objective of improving interpersonal and relationships knowledge along with reducing self-destructive behaviors. At our residential treatment center for borderline personality disorder, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers BPD treatment options for adults at our main campus in Utah. Give Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers a call today!
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers’s dialectical behavior treatment programs provide technical care for young adults that require treatment for depression, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and of course borderline personality disorder. Our programs are specifically designed to accommodate clients in all distinct phases of their treatment and recovery process. From exceptionally focused residential treatment to outpatient care. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers has intensive inpatient treatment programs for adults suffering with BPD. Our day program (partial hospital) and outpatient programs are equally powerful and available.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential BPD Program Options
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential and Outpatient Treatment for BPD offers exceptionally technical therapeutic approaches for individuals with borderline personality disorder and other severe personality disorders; including people with co-occurring psychiatric conditions like substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, PTSD, Trauma or anxiety. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers residential treatment is best suited to people who have BPD as well as other complex personality disorders that are seeking treatment for core issues related to personality disorders like emotional dysregulation, self-harm, suicidality, relationship issues and people who have trouble with self-image, feelings of self-doubt, intense fear of abandonment and low self-worth.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers psychiatric and mental services for both men and women with histories of self-harm and related disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorders, borderline personality disorder and other mood and stress disorders. Empathy, compassion, collaboration and empowerment are all emphasized at our BPD residential treatment center in order to help you build stamina and regain control of your life. We provide intensive dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) with a specialized emphasis (equine therapy) on the treatment of self-destructive or impulsive behaviors as well as emotional dysregulation as displayed in repeated traumatic encounters. Our residential and partial hospital (daytime schedule) levels of care are readily available to help you with your BPD symptoms.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Behavioral Health Partial Hospitalization Treatment For BPD
Our Day Treatment (PHP) helps individuals with BPD develop expertise that enhance their feelings and capacity to function in hopes of allowing them to better cope with lifetime circumstances. To accomplish this mission, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers utilizes cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) methods (including dialectical behavioral treatment skills as well as equine therapy) for a broad scope of conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders, bi-polar disorder and substance use disorders. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers PHP program is useful as a step down transition from acute inpatient BPD care or as an alternative to inpatient treatment.
Mental health experts agree that the name borderline personality disorder can be misleading; however, a far more accurate phrase does not yet exist. The good news is that when BPD is accurately identified, treatment can be powerful and individuals can go on to lead meaningful and productive lives. BPD can be diagnosed when signs and symptoms persist for at least one year.
The diagnosis of BPD can be produced with great care and on the basis of a thorough history and evaluation of your thinking, emotional coping patterns and interpersonal style of functioning. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers BPD residential treatment focuses on behavioral therapies or psychotherapies and medications as appropriate to the specifics of your individual signs and symptoms.
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) was created as a treatment model for those with BPD. The method emphasizes the development of 4 skill sets: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance. Mindfulness practice involves increasing self awareness by learning how to concentrate on one’s knowledge of their moments. A combination of cognitive behavioral strategies and mindfulness principles are utilized to help men and women gain far better control over their spontaneous self-destructive behavior and to allow for an alternate means of managing intense feelings.
DBT was initially developed to treat suicidality in adults with BPD. However, it now is being used effectively in adolescents with similar behaviors as well as in other co-occurring psychiatric disorders such as depression as well as stress. DBT has been clinically tested for the effectiveness in grownups and adolescents.Mentalization-based treatment (MBT) is an evidence-based treatment that focuses on helping people to differentiate and separate their particular thoughts and feelings from individuals around them. Individuals with BPD often find it challenging to recognize other people’s thoughts and feelings; which can result in interpersonal problems and behavior. Mentalization refers to the power to concentrate and think on mental states (e.g., beliefs, intentions, feelings and thoughts) in oneself and in others. MBT seeks to build up and strengthen the individual’s capacity for mentalization; with the aim of improving interpersonal relationships and influence regulation.
General Psychiatric Management (GPM) for clients with BPD is an evidence-based treatment created by John G. Gunderson, MD. GPM was designed to be an intervention that can be implemented by community mental health professionals. GPM includes education for clients and their families with a persistent focus on the client’s life outside of residential treatment, plus a huge emphasis on major goals (e.g., secure partnerships and career/jobs). GPM is often delivered as one weekly individual treatment session and combined with other treatments like medication management, family interventions and group therapy.
Transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) is also an evidence-based treatment. TFP focuses on the client’s confused and contradictory awareness of identity, which is associated with problems with interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, along with mood regulation. TFP helps clients learn to verbalize what they are feeling, rather than acting impulsively on emotions. The ultimate goal of this treatment is always to create more steady and realistic self-control; resulting in increased functioning and satisfaction with interpersonal relationships.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is at the forefront of BPD residential treatment. Our team has provided significant insight into the causes and treatment of the disease and now continue to look for more awareness on the disorder in order to find advanced treatment methods. We help transform the diagnosis from the psychoanalytic construct into a scientifically known and internationally recognized disorder and bring true healing to the disorder. We use all evidence-based practices that are guaranteed to help.
Our borderline personality disorder residential facility will go to great lengths to help you overcome your BPD and other dual-diagnosis issues. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers areas of specialization include attachment disorders, personality disorders and psychotherapy, along with an integration of evidence-based treatments for BPD. Let us help you make sense of your BPD by filling out our form or giving us a call.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers provides powerful BPD residential treatment, especially in dialectical behavior therapy along with other treatments for borderline personality disorder. We offer resources in an effort to bring better treatments for individuals in need. Our organization supports advocacy efforts and BPD research.
The mission of our residential borderline personality disorder rehab center (Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers) is always to encourage BPD education and connect those affected by BPD to established resources for treatment and service. Along with our efforts in the research and treatment of personality disorders, we maintain a nationwide database of clinicians, agencies, and centers that are focused on treating BPD and also co-occurring disorders. If we are not the right fit for you; let us help you get the healing you desperately need and deserve!
We provide education while raising public recognition and understanding, in an attempt to decrease stigma and promote research and improve the quality of living of the affected by borderline personality disorder. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers operates to enhance the quality of daily living for many individuals affected by BPD. Our many resources include family therapy, equine therapy, DBT, and a family education workshop.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers sponsors workshops, conferences and small group meetings for family members, friends and other loved ones, consumers of mental health services, professionals, and the community at large in order to improve awareness of personality disorders and to lower the stigma that is often associated with borderline personality disorder.
Treatment and Research Innovations Association (TARA) for Borderline Personality Disorder
The TARA for Borderline Personality Disorder’s mission is to cultivate education and research in the sphere of personality disorders, specifically but not entirely, borderline personality disorder. They support and encourage educational systems and tasks targeting mental health professionals, consumers of mental health services, people, and communities in order to lower stigma and increase consciousness, to disseminate accessible information on etiology and treatment; and also to advocate for accomplishments of these goals.
Additional Books And Resources On BPD
Applications of Very Good Psychiatric Management for Borderline Personality Disorder; Applications of Great Psychiatric Management for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Sensible Guide By Lois W. Choi-Kain, MEd, MD, and John G. Gunderson, MD
A Case-Based Approach On Borderline Personality Disorder Edited by Brian Palmer, MD, and Brandon Unruh, MD
Beyond Borderline: True Stories of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder By John G. Gunderson, MD, Perry D. Hoffman, PhD
Coping with BPD: DBT and CBT Knowledge to Reduce the Indicators of Borderline Personality Disorder From Blaise Aguirre, MD, along with Gillian Galen, PsyD
Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder: Minimize Your Suffering Using the Core Ability of Dialectical Behavior Therapy From Blaise Aguirre, MD, and Gillian Galen, PsyD
Understanding and Treating Borderline Personality Disorder: A Manual for Professionals and Families By John G. Gunderson, MD, and Perry D. Hoffman, PhD
Borderline Personality Disorder From Mary C. Zanarini, ed.
Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder: A Clinical Guide By John G. Gunderson
Even though borderline personality disorder and individuals living with this are often viewed as difficult. Advancements in the field of mental health are working to expand our understanding of this BPD challenge and bridge the difference between those coping with BPD on their own and inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder. In case you’re living with this particular disorder, know Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers can help you address your mental health issues with compassion and without judgment.
To deal with BPD is to deal with intense emotional pain on a day-to-day basis. An impulse that compels you to flee this pain and act in a way that, for the outside observer, seem overly emotional and irrational. Within the course of history our perceptions of BPD have created numerous urban myths around the disorder. Including that it’s distinctively hard to treat and that people living with BPD are resistant to treatment. In fact, BPD isn’t more difficult to treat compared to any other mental health challenge! Most BPD residential treatment providers simply lack the wisdom and understanding of how to best work with a personality disorder.
Regardless of advancing our knowledge of the illness over the years; treatment for people with BPD is still not optimal as almost 20% of outpatient admissions and psychiatric hospitalizations comprise of people with BPD. Only 3% of the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) budget is put in the direction of understanding and treating this mental illness.
In the event you cope with BPD; understand that inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder will make a difference in the treatment of your mental health challenges. Whether you have already been cautious of seeking treatment for your personal reasons or feel like the options in front of you haven’t provided you with the compassionate understanding that you want. There is a movement in the therapy of mental health today that aims to transform the manner that people treat BPD and give it the attention that it deserves.
Expanding Our Understanding Of BPD
A current issue of the Harvard Review of Psychiatry is the ideal illustration of the strong movement in the specialty to evolve our understanding of BPD and creates new paths to recovery. During the course of many research papers published by experts in the field of BPD and mental health, researchers highlighted the neurobiological causes of BPD, the importance of early intervention and treatments that have shown the maximum success in treating the disorder.
We assume these articles can only help clinicians understand their BPD clientele, encourage greater optimism about their prognosis, and also help establish a stage for the future generations of mental health professionals to be much more capable to deal with the clinical and public health challenges that BPD poses.
A promotion of optimism and understanding among clinicians is an extremely essential part of recovering from borderline personality disorder; as these will be the people that are typically your very first line of contact for treatment. How they behave towards you personally and realize that your BPD is going to greatly influence your perception of the treatment process. Without an adequate understanding of BPD, you may possibly feel alienated by clinicians directly from the onset of treatment and deterred from going farther. In the right residential treatment setting, however you will find not only the medical support, but the emotional support that you’ve been searching for at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers.
No matter how misunderstood you feel or have sensed; know that there are treatment centers out there that can bridge the difference between you as well as also the inpatient remedies and environments conducive to helping you recover as best you can. Treatment modalities such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) have been shown to help people with BPD reconcile their strongly opposing emotions through becoming mindful and ultimately taking charge by letting go of the harmful behaviors. Research affirms the outcomes of DBT, suggesting that it helps in areas of the brain involved in emotional regulation.
However, without the proper guidance, the proven therapies will fall short of your expectations; which is the reason you want to establish a strong therapeutic alliance that promotes an open, honest, and long-lasting relationship. A relationship where you can trust in your therapist to really have your best interests at heart and also work outside of those inaccurate, cultural perceptions of the complications associated with BPD. Therefore giving you the chance to express your feelings and research them deeply in a non-judgmental environment.
Using the positive aspects of evidence-based therapies established in inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder; you can learn how to grow outside of the constraints of your BPD and benefit from a warm, yet flexible environment aware of the risks and cultural perceptions involved. Not to mention the positive aspects of the compassionate care at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers. No matter how you think people perceive you and the pain that is influencing you today; be aware that there is a lot of other world out there filled with individuals willing to help you overcome your pain along with enjoying the pleasures of daily life instead of living to flee the negatives.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers extensive inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder and other co-occurring mental health challenges. Contact us to find out more about how you can take advantage of peer reviewed (research based) therapies to reconcile your painful emotions in a positive environment. Don’t let borderline personality disorder take over you. We can provide you with all the personalized BPD treatment that you need; so you can live the healthier life you are worthy of. Find out about our extensive services in Utah.
Learn More About Our BPD Treatment
Seen as a pattern of unstable relationships, emotions, along with distorted image of oneself; borderline personality disorder is really a mental health disorder that results in significant distress and impairment in your capability to function correctly in various everyday settings. With signs emerging throughout a person’s lifetime; BPD causes an individual to make frantic efforts to prevent real or imagined abandonment by engaging in spontaneous and risky behaviors, all whilst experiencing stress-related paranoid thoughts, which have the potential to result in an assortment of mental and behavioral troubles.
At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers, we offer the best treatment for borderline personality disorder. We comprehend how discouraging and difficult it can be to live with borderline personality disorder, that is the reason why we have are pleased to offer exemplary medical treatment that is intended for holistically healing those suffering with BPD. As a leading treatment provider, we put forth every effort to enhance the lives of each guy and girl who come into our treatment center for premier BPD care.
How To Help A Loved One With BPD
If you have a beloved one who is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, the self destructive thoughts and behaviors displayed by your loved one cannot only cause you to stress, but at times may frighten you. In addition to helping your loved one get the professional help she or he needs; knowing more special ways in which you can support her or him can immensely increase the overall well-being of your loved one. In addition to helping your loved one find mental health treatment that will best fulfill his or her individualized desires, there are a lot of things you can do to provide her or him with a relationship and increase their self-esteem. Be unconditionally inviting and accepting of your loved one suffering from BPD.
Assure them that you will be there for her or him and that she or he can always come to you with any concerns that may arise. Additionally, since people with BPD often have a fear of abandonment, make sure she or he knows that you will not abandon him or her. Just do not allow them to manipulate you or the family or hold you hostage to an impossible situation. Most importantly, be sure you follow through on what you say you are going to do.
Establish and stick to a routine on a daily basis in order to help eliminate some of the anxiety of abandonment, stress and lack of trust that your cherished one can feel. A daily routine will help provide your loved one with an awareness of security and equilibrium. Try and be as positive as you can and prevent any negativity. Keeping a good attitude, especially during difficult times, since this can help your loved one find something beneficial to focus on.
Help your loved one discover some healthy and constructive new activities that they would truly enjoy. Additionally, encourage your loved one to participate in other activities that he or she loves because this can help increase his or her sense of self worth. Another way to help them learn to play nice with others is for them to find self help groups in their local community so they have other similar support that knows what they are going through.
Why Consider Residential Treatment For BPD At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers
One of the ramifications for untreated borderline personality disorder is the numerous people that are not able to fully manage their symptoms. The result of a lack of BPD treatment is significant distress. Individuals with BPD tend to have a feeling of impending separation or rejection; which can result in extreme sensitivity to the environment, inappropriate rage and an intense fear of being alone. These fears can lead to dangerous spontaneous and impulsive psychiatric behaviors including self-injury.
Because their views of other individuals tend to change so swiftly; people with BPD often have a complicated time establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, increasing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Individuals with BPD have a tendency to experience dramatic changes in their self-image, often changing their values and also other ambitions and potentially resulting in a number of jobs and changes in friendships. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is a respected and well-known treatment provider of medical, therapeutic, and experiential services for BPD.
Our residential BPD rehab center is pleased to offer state-of-the-art treatment for a broad array of behavioral health concerns. During the integration of our evidence-based techniques and integrative therapies (equine therapy), our Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers prides itself on being a leading provider of services that are successful in treating addictions along with BPD. A holistic and individualized treatment is a cornerstone to the best care offered at our center and is provided with a team of experienced and qualified staff. At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers BPD Treatment Center, our principal purpose is always to offer services in a compassionate manner to all who come to us for BPD treatment in hopes of a more healthy and productive future.
Our BPD treatment center includes a 12-bed behavioral health inpatient unit. We help our residents who require immediate stabilization with their current psychiatric concerns. We address the issues associated with borderline personality disorder or also if you are in need of medical detoxification, we are able to help you with that as well. Especially if you need to detox first prior to entering in our treatment center’s residential care. Granted; you could also do a taper program while in our BPD inpatient program.
The behavioral health residential treatment offered by our BPD center is designed to evoke the maximum positive treatment outcomes for all residents. With many treatment options offered at our residential treatment center; people can get the beneficial services needed to overcome their mental health. For people trying to cope with their debilitating symptoms of anxiety, our BPD treatment center program allows our residents to heal their mind, body and spirit throughout integrative and all-inclusive treatment. This intensive treatment incorporates both cognitive behavioral treatment, equine therapy and dialectic behavioral treatment workshops which continues to provide psychodynamic therapy through our professional team and staff.
Once an initial assessment has determined how your needs will be best met at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers, you can find healthy ways of coping with all the indicators of borderline personality disorder. You will also begin to organize yourself for reintegration into your community.
Additional treatment methods offered at our BPD treatment includes:
Medication Management: Residents engaged in their treatment plan at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers could possibly have a psychiatrist or attending doctor at our inpatient BPD center on a regular basis. To determine the need for any medication prescribed; you will meet with your primary therapist to discuss your current mental health symptoms, as well as attending physician to help collaborate and get you the best baseline while dealing how to best cope with your borderline personality disorder. Registered nurses and clinical technicians additionally assist in monitoring an individual’s medication requirements.
Individual Treatment: Upon entering Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers; every resident is assigned a primary therapist at our BPD treatment whom they will meet with at the least once every week if not more. All individual sessions are conducted by a master’s level clinician or medical doctor.
Group Therapy: In addition to being assigned a primary therapist, every resident participates in a small regular group (equine, art, etc. therapy) session (ran by a master level clinician) at our residential BPD treatment center. In addition to this group, other groups are provided by that may include topics such as:
Anger Management
Dialectical Skills Group
Personal Hygiene
Coping Skills
Grief and Loss
Relapse Prevention
Family Therapy Program: Recognizing the important role of loved ones and relatives of our residents is why we offer family therapy to all of our clients that desire it. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers includes family therapy in to our treatment plans to help our clients best overcome their BPD. This sort of treatment typically occurs during a resident’s third week of treatment. We focus on allowing the family to engage in the therapeutic process, and to practice healthy communication and boundaries with understanding and encouragement. Family members and loved ones will receive psycho-educational assignments, group therapeutic sessions, and individual family therapy as needed in a powerful manner. Lastly, you family can remain in contact our team of professionals should questions or concerns arise during the course of residential BPD treatment.
Recreational Therapy: In order to help people with BPD build a stronger feeling of self, along with confidence; Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers therapeutic recreational activities. Recreational therapy is a part of our treatment plan which can be conducted every day or on a weekly basis to highlight the value of physical activity along with being one with nature. Some of the more popular recreational therapies we offer are as follows:
Equine Therapy
Arts and Craft
Personal Training
Movement Therapy
Horse Riding
Additional Resources: In order to best care for the needs of our clients; our BPD treatment center (Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers) offers a number of additional services that are evidence-based in helping you manage your anxiety and mood symptoms.
The following services are offered by us:
Psychological Testing
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Should someone require stabilization services at our borderline personality disorder residential treatment, he or she is able to partake in the services offered from our BPD inpatient program before returning to outpatient BPD treatment. The staff of professionals at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers conducts an ongoing assessment of all of our client’s daily progressions as well as regressions to offer assistance in making sure you receive the best care with as little disruption as possible.
Continuing Care and Various Levels Of Treatment For BPD
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers’s method for providing the best all-encompassing BPD care for each resident who comes for treatment includes a thorough discharge planning and continuing care services that are second-to-none. Once a resident engages in services at our BPD treatment center; an extensive continuing care plan is devised so that residents can remain healthy and happy once their residential BPD treatment is finished.
Those partaking in the services of our Borderline Personality Disorder Inpatient Center will all receive access to a continued care team to carefully evaluate your specific needs and eventual plans for discharge. Those engaged in our residential treatment meet with their regular continued care staff and outreach specialists. They also will have access to multiple one-on-one planning sessions to ensure the best outcomes and to establish any followup appointments that might be required once you are discharged.
Residents discharging our residential BPD treatment (along with their household members), can stay in contact and have the support required to lead happy and productive lives. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is able to help you at our residential BPD treatment and guide you through the first year of recovery or even longer if needs be. We provide ongoing support to all of our former residents. From the minute you enter our doors we have an expert specialist working hand-in-hand with you to figure out the absolute best discharge planning. If you wish to receive our care that has helped many individuals suffering from BPD live happier, healthier lifestyles; then look no farther than our residential borderline personality disorder treatment center.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers efficient, comprehensive treatment for individuals struggling with borderline personality disorder. Learn more about the indications, signs and symptoms, causes and impacts of borderline personality disorder. Give us a call today to start your personal journey.
Borderline personality disorder is a severe mental health condition that is characterized by significant emotional instability that can lead to a range of stressful mental and behavioral difficulties. Individuals with borderline personality disorder often tend to fight a distorted self-image and often feel as though they are completely worthless or like they’re a flawed individual. Additionally, individuals with BPD often display frequent mood swings of which might include intense anger and spontaneous behaviors. Although people suffering from borderline personality disorder may want to have lasting and meaningful relationships; the changes in feeling coupled with frequent anger have a tendency to drive others away.
Borderline personality disorder can be described as a challenging disorder to control. By receiving suitable treatment most individuals with BPD are able to learn coping skills to assist in managing their symptoms and go on living meaningful lives. It’s been estimated that 2% of adults living in the United States have borderline personality disorder. Additionally, borderline personality disorder has shown to be more prevalent in females with 75% of all BPD diagnoses.
Research is being conducted to determine what causes the development of borderline personality disorder. Many researchers agree that hereditary and environmental components are likely to be involved. These causes along with other risk variables are explained in more detail below.
Multiple reports have shown that borderline personality disorder has a strong genetic component. This means that people who have relatives that have struggled with BPD or other mental health conditions, tend to be somewhat more likely to also struggle with borderline personality disorder. However, a particular neuro-receptor has yet to be specifically identified.
Beyond genetics, such environmental aspects associated with BPD can include very poor parenting or perhaps a lack of community involvement. Additionally, individuals who have already been exposed to sexual, physical, or emotional abuse and/or neglect are at a much greater risk of developing signs of borderline personality disorder compared to the individuals who did not undergo personal traumas.
Individuals with borderline personality disorder are easily affected in how they feel about themselves, and how they relate and behave with others. They are normally not sure about their individuality, encounter changes in interests or values, and often view things in extremes. This pattern of thinking and behaving typically leads to stress and impairments in social, personal, or in other regions of functioning. The impacts of untreated borderline personality disorder can damage many areas of a person’s life; including relationships, jobs, social activities, along with self-image.
The Most Common Long-term Ramifications of BPD Can Include the Following:
Irregular Behavioral Patterns
Spontaneous or Risky Behaviors
Furious and Antagonistic Behaviors
Engagement in Physical Conflicts
Multiple Jobs History
Troubles Maintaining Friendships
Physical Stress
Weight Fluctuations
Trouble Controlling Emotions or Urges
Only Thinks in Terms of Black or White
Intense Episodes of Stress or Depression
Constantly Feeling Misunderstood, Neglected, or Alone
Constantly Fearful or Overly Confident
Self-hatred and Self-loathing
Swiftly Changing Self-identity or Feelings of Self-love
Feeling as if You Do Not Matter or Exist at all
Family Mental Health History
Other Mental Health Conditions
History of Self-harm
Personal Hygiene Neglect
Exposure to Trauma (Physical, Emotional and Sexual)
75% Diagnosed are Female
Younger Age of Onset
Impulsive and Irrational
Shopping Sprees
Speeding Tickets, etc.
Inability to Maintain a Steady Income
Repeated Hospitalizations for Self-injury
Drug or Alcohol Abuse
Interaction with Law Enforcement
Possible Incarceration for Domestic Violence
Suicidal Thoughts or Attempts
Co-Occurring Disorders
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Depressive Disorders
Stress Disorders
Eating Disorders
Bi-polar Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
People suffering from borderline personality disorder are more prone to developing another mental health disorder compared to the individuals who do not have BPD. Borderline personality disorder is distinguished by impulsivity, dysregulation and self-injurious behaviors. Give Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers a call today!
Even though borderline personality disorder has been studied more than any other personality disorder; the use of drawn-out hospitalization for grownups with BPD is really a point of contention among most mental health clinicians. Meanwhile, there is a strong consensus that psychotherapy with adjunctive pharmacotherapy as needed is the main evidence-based way for residential treatment of BPD.
This view is a result of research from high-quality randomized controlled trials supporting the efficacy of inpatient and outpatient treatment, even though there is a scarcity of data pertaining to the treatment for individuals with BPD.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) Practice Guideline for the treatment of clients with borderline personality disorder suggests that prolonged hospitalization to be considered for clients with BPD under specific situations such as: individuals with persistent and acute suicidality or comorbid substance abuse and/or dependency. However, this recommendation is based on clinical wisdom in hopes to stop more deterioration or even death. Rather than based on signs that protracted hospitalization is an effective intervention for individuals diagnosed with BPD; according to a study published in 2018 in the Journal of Allergic Disorders.
Some experts have stated that people with BPD should be hospitalized because of the potential for deterioration in functioning; but concerns about iatrogenic outcomes usually are not supported by scientific evidence. The significance of elucidating this issue is underscored by estimates that BPD prevalence ranges from 15% to 25% within inpatient settings. In addition, BPD is seen as an emotion dysregulation, impulsivity, self-injurious and suicidal behavior; all of which contribute to the highest emergency and inpatient service utilization of virtually any psychiatric disorder.
To further investigate, 245 clients with BPD receiving 2 to 8 weeks of inpatient care at a psychiatric hospital compared with 220 clients without BPD who acquired inpatient care for the same amount of time at the same hospital. Clients with BPD and also the non-BPD clients were assigned to the same units and care staff and got exactly the same psychosocial interventions. Treatment was based on a mentalization based therapy intended to reduce signs and symptoms and strengthen social cognition and emotion regulation. Participants received an average of 60 hours a week of multimodal interventions, including general psychiatric and medical care, continuous nursing care, medication management to lessen adverse reactions, addictions services, health promotion, physical exercise, individual and group psychotherapy, psycho-educational classes, family therapy along with leisure-time social/recreational activities.
The average amount of stay had been 41 days for the full sample. The two client groups showed similarities in “subjective well-being” and symptoms of depression and anxiety from intake to discharge.
The Study Revealed The Following Observations/Results:
Large improvements in depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and functional disability among clients with BPD (Cohen’s d ≥ 1.0) and non-BPD client reference sample (Cohen’s d ≥.80). Clinical deterioration and undesirable activities was no more than 1% of BPD and non-BPD clients with no gap observed throughout cohorts.
Surprisingly, rates of non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior, which might be criteria for BPD, had been low. No client in either group attempted suicide, along with the prevalence of non-suicidal self-injury has been 1% for BPD and 1% for the control group; with no overall gaps (χ2=2.7; P .10). Even though research did not explore underlying mechanisms, the authors indicate the rates could have been attributable to setting the suicide alert system, and also the peer support system in place at the analysis site.
In addition, mechanisms of change were beyond the range of this investigation. Certain characteristics of the research setting could have contributed to the large-effect-size improvements seen in BPD inpatients. First, this application offered a contained and stable environment in which self-defeating and self-evident behaviors (for instance, alcohol and drug abuse) have been minimized, and medication adherence for both study groups was approximately 99% for all standing psychotropic drugs. Second, the intensive mentalization-based approach could be especially appropriate for this client group, as it focused on emotional dysregulation which is really a strong BPD feature.
Even though this treatment strategy may seem to be cost-prohibitive, the researchers contended that this level of care (especially for adults with multiple failed hospitalizations and a high degree of psychiatric seriousness) is significantly much less expensive than what 3rd party payers result in paying when it comes to various medical procedures (including organ transplantations) more expensive than $1 million dollars in the very first year of care alone. In light of the high risk of suicide-related behaviors, among older people suffering from BPD, the price prohibitive argument also has to be put to an empirical test they concluded.
The majority of the residential borderline rehab centers have no technical training in the treatment of BPD. Because of the quick average length of stay, many clients on these units are acutely unwell with psychotic illnesses (schizophrenia, psychotic bi-polar disorder, and schizoaffective disorder) and require high-intensity behavioral management along with pharmacotherapy. As a consequence, the interventions implemented are usually not very helpful in the treatment of clients with BPD.
Many clients with BPD are admitted to facilities with several psychotic clients, where “take-downs” and therapeutic seclusion of clients are a nearly every day event. The need for attention and reassurance that clients with BPD are being personally catered to, is crucial. Whereas most care centers often respond to BPD behaviors as attention-seeking which is an unhelpful negative reinforcement.
Other archaic interventions include one-to-one monitoring and restricting the client to their unit which means the client cannot participate in occupational and/or recreational therapy sessions. One can easily assume that several days in these type of residential treatment centers for BPD is incredibly counterproductive causing regression rather than stabilization. Give Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers a call today to get the most loving and qualified BPD treatment.
Our intensive inpatient level of care for adult clients with a main mood, thought or stress disorder and co-occurring borderline personality disorder is available anywhere from 30 to 90 days. We strongly recommend you consider staying the full 90 days to have any real chance of lasting recovery. Aside from amazing equine therapy, we Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers an intensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) program. This program begins with our DBT residential treatment facility. Clients that acknowledge our residential DBT system may step down to our non-residential day treatment and intensive outpatient program as their abilities increase.
We have been proven to be more significantly effective in reducing suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviors common to those diagnosed with BPD. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers helps improve your potential to resist acting erratically in stressful situations. Give us a call today or fill out our form to get the help you want and need.
DBT is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), that has been used effectively for several years to treat individuals with mood and anxiety disorders. CBT is not efficient for everyone; especially for people that engage in self-injury, attempt suicide frequently, or fight with intense emotions. Dr. Marsha Linehan adapted traditional CBT by adding a therapeutic focus on validation, approval and dialectics to meet the unique demands of those suffering from BPD.
The overall aim of DBT is to help clients create a lifestyle well worth living. Clients are encouraged to define what a life worth living looks like for themselves which varies between clients. Clients afterward focus on addressing issues/behaviors that are barriers to accessing that desired life.
What Is The Difference Among DBT And CBT?
DBT is a more specialized form of CBT that focuses on helping people who are apt to having extreme emotional reactions interacting with the environment around them in a less emotional and healthier manner. CBT helps clients understand the relationship among their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Though traditional CBT asks clients to improve unhealthy thinking patterns and maladaptive behaviors; DBT also validates a client’s lived knowledge and acknowledges the truth in your client’s point of view.
DBT treatment teaches you to recognize that you have the capability and that you must learn how to just accept situations you cannot control. DBT also helps you address and cope with your desires to self-harm. Because you practice those abilities, clients understand they can handle the pain and live a meaningful life. The dialectical portion of dialectical behavior therapy helps you challenge rigid thinking patterns and discover that the truth is often somewhat gray than shameful. For example, a friend can be late for an appointment and still respect you. You can make a mistake but still be an excellent person.
Our 30-60-90-day residential DBT treatment program at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers handles your DBT therapy from start to finish. We focus on attaining the foundational skills and capacity you need to manage behavioral issues, therapy-interfering behaviors, major quality-of-life-interfering behaviors and shortages in behavioral expertise. Dr. Marsha Linehan creator of DBT, describes the objective of stage 1 as, moving from being out of control of one’s behavior to being in control. The goal of DBT treatment at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is to help clients develop useful strategies to manage with intense emotions so that they can stop repeat hospitalizations, training healthy coping skills, and build trusting relationships with therapists.
Once you have learned the shared language and framework of DBT and can use DBT experience to efficiently participate in therapy and supportive social relationships; clients are prepared to continue therapeutic focus on an outpatient basis in the community whilst living independently.
Clients participating in DBT therapy at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers get weekly one-on-one counseling sessions with their main counselor, participate in skills groups and also have use of 24 phone coaching as needed. Clients additionally complete homework assignments and are asked to apply DBT expertise discovered in the group to real life encounters.
DBT Skills Are Educated In 4 Stages:
Emotional Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Success
Our intensively trained DBT treatment team meets weekly to discuss complex client progression and to develop strategies to help clients further heal. Our multidisciplinary treatment team, including residential personnel members; get ongoing training on how to best encourage and work with DBT clientele. As a portion of the DBT model, clients have usage of DBT phone coaching 24/7.
Using DBT To Confront Black And White Thinking
From time to time, we all experience black-and-white thinking or fall into an all-or-nothing frame of mind. For some folks, a pattern of black-and-white thinking with time can reinforce a recurring automatic negative thought. For older people with borderline personality disorder as well as an alcohol use, substance abuse, or addiction issue, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers a residential dual diagnosis treatment program. Clients receive specialized psychiatric care focused on their personality disorder but also participate in one-on-one and group therapy focused sessions on preventing relapse and maintaining sobriety.
Clients have use of 12-step and other self-help community programs while attending our BPD treatment center. They also receive a unique education and support on how to manage their symptoms of thought disorder and the cravings and also causes of a substance use disorder.
Borderline Personality Disorder And Coping With Trauma
Although a lot of clients in our DBT program are learning to deal with self-injury; the attention of stage 1 of DBT therapy does not involve working directly on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers’s trauma-informed mental health care allows trauma survivors to address their symptoms of a recognized mental ailment like borderline personality disorder before processing their issues.
Throughout treatment, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers care providers acknowledge your experienced trauma and validate the emotions arising from those experiences. We will never ask the client to relive or to clarify the trauma in any manner. Our treatment strategies are focused on helping you build expertise to manage tough emotions and situations in healthy techniques.
Completing our trauma-informed psychiatric treatment for borderline personality disorder allows clients to come up with the insight, adopt new coping skills and build a strong foundation for a life worth living. Clients who are trauma survivors are then prepared and willing to go after formal BPD treatment with a technical mental health provider.
Borderline Personality Disorder And Adults
Adults ages 18 and older with a primary diagnosis of thought or anxiety disorders as well as a co-occurring borderline personality disorder are prime candidates for our residential DBT treatment program at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers. In addition to 24/7 nursing service; we have a private bedroom and bathroom for our clientele. Our clients practice the skills introduced during counseling sessions as they participate in a structured schedule of social activities, art, music and behavioral treatment classes. Clients are encouraged to “real-play” whether they are working towards going to school, getting a job or even finding a volunteer opportunity. Give us a call and see if we are a good fit for your personalized BPD treatment.
Personality disorders change how people think, feel and behave. These disorders often develop during childhood, being a result of neglect or abuse. It was once thought that personality disorders have been untreatable. A borderline personality disorder treatment center can help individuals manage their symptoms and are able to live full and healthy lives.
Detailed Description Of A Personality Disorder And BPD
Personality disorder patterns are different from what most folks consider normal. They make living harder in several manners because they make people think and act in a different way from others. The patterns of thought and behavior are contingent on the kind of personality disorder someone has. At our residential mental health treatment center; you will first get a comprehensive assessment of your presenting symptoms. We do this to ensure you get the best care needed to ensure long-lasting success and recovery.
There are various sorts of personality disorders called clusters with multiple diagnosable issues.
Cluster A: Odd or Eccentric Conduct
People with a paranoid personality disorder are suspicious of others. They have a tricky time trusting individuals and often self-isolate for this reason. This disorder makes folks distant and withdrawn. They focus a lot more on the thoughts and feelings than on what’s going on around them. They truly are often loners with few or no true friends.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: People with this disorder tend to dress or act different from the standard norm. It is possible they have peculiar beliefs; for instance, that they can see the future or read minds.
Cluster B: Dramatic, Erratic or Emotional Conduct
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): People with BPD have a shaky self-image and often an intense dread of abandonment. They have difficulties regulating their feelings and tend to behave invisibly. Someone with BPD has self-image issues. This fosters the belief that they are superior to others and therefore display a demand for constant praise and admiration.
Antisocial Personality Disorder: Individuals with this disorder behave without regard to anyone’s rights, safety or feelings. They can disregard morals or ethics or lie or manipulate individuals or be hostile or abusive. Low quality self-esteem is at the origin of this disorder which causes a strong need for attention and acceptance. Dramatic behavior and mood swings will also be common indications.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD): People with OCPD have a strong need to be in control. They’re perfectionists and so are demanding about the details. The main feature of OCPD is an overwhelming concern of rejection or abandonment. People with OCPD are very submissive. They’d rather defer to others than make their own personal decisions.
Avoidant Personality Disorder: Poor self-esteem and dread of rejection cause men and women with this disorder to avoid social situations. They may even prevent contact with others altogether. As with other mental health disorders; avoidant personality disorders develop for complicated reasons. There’s no single cause that results in having a personality disorder. Individuals with these disorders develop dysfunctional methods of thinking and behaving. This usually begins during childhood. Often this is a response to traumatic events like abuse, neglect or abandonment. Research suggests that there may still be a genetic component to personality disorders as well.
Contributing Factors To Borderline Personality Disorder Can Include:
History of trauma and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As numerous as 58% of people that seek borderline personality disorder residential treatment seek a PTSD treatment plan.
Unhealthy attachment styles. Having a parent figure who is distant, avoidant, or controlling can contribute to the onset of borderline personality disorder.
Biology. Neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and serotonin influence how people with BPD regulate their emotions. Variations in these brain compounds can impact the development of borderline personality disorder. Chemical imbalances are often seen in people with BPD.
Reduced distress tolerance. People with borderline personality disorder can have a low tolerance for stressful situations. This can be the result of substance abuse and/or a lack of healthy coping skills.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Co-Occurring Disorders
Having a borderline personality disorder can make you more at risk of other mental illnesses. Co-occurring disorders or a dual-diagnosis, will require to have care for addiction and mental health issues simultaneously. Common treatment approaches that could be used at a residential borderline personality disorder treatment center can include the need for:
Stress Disorder Treatment Program
Depression Disorder Treatment Program
Bi-polar Disorder Treatment Program
Eating Disorder Treatment Program
Substance Abuse Treatment Program
Co-occurring disorders additionally contribute to a greater risk of suicide. In one study, 84% of men and women with a borderline personality disorder as well as a co-occurring disorder had a history of a number of suicide attempts.
Getting treatment for co-occurring problems is essential for those with borderline personality disorder. The problems with BPD are harder to manage when a co-occurring disorder is involved. Additionally, it means co-occurring issues continue to influence how effectively a person can manage their borderline personality disorder.
Treatment for borderline personality disorder focuses on residential treatment and might also include medication. In therapy, our clients work to uncover the roots of their disorder. They learn how to challenge and transform the unhealthy patterns they have developed. They learn healthy coping skills, interpersonal skills as well as other elements of symptom management.
Inpatient Borderline Personality Disorder Residential Treatment
The majority of your time is used on recovery-focused routines (equine therapy), including group and private therapy. Many programs include actions such as meditation or music and art therapy. Residential borderline personality disorder treatment offers the chance to focus on healing in a safe, structured environment. It’s really a good option for someone who must focus 100% on learning to manage their mental health symptoms.
Outpatient Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment
If you do not require the structure of our residential program, BPD outpatient treatment offers an alternative. For instance, our BPD partial hospitalization programs (PHP) can be very similar to residential treatment. The main distinction is that during PHP, our clients do not live at the Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Treatment Center. Instead, they reside at their own home or in sober living, then go to Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers for treatment. Usually, our clients go to PHP 5 days every week.
Individuals transition to our BPD outpatient program immediately after finishing our residential treatment. This helps them enhance their mental health while they build a healthier life. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers outpatient and residential BPD treatment. We also provide support for co-occurring disorders.
People do much better in our BPD residential treatment when they truly are not focused on what’s lacking in their environment. Our treatment center is equally welcoming and comfortable. We provide healthy balanced meals, a calming atmosphere and high-quality care from well-trained compassionate staff and professionals.
BPD Residential Treatment Detox
A medical drug or alcohol detoxification program is required prior to starting your BPD residential treatment at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers to minimize the risk of suicide and withdrawal signs. When you have a substance use disorder, we offer a detoxification program to help you withdrawal safely with minimal discomfort. Give us a call today to discuss the detox BPD rehab options that are available to you.
The professional treatment team at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers has wide-ranging expertise. Our BPD treatment program integrates evidenced-based treatments that are highly successful for borderline personality disorder. We help clients address self-harm, attachment disorder as well as other issues related to borderline personality disorder.
When you arrive at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers, you’ll receive a thorough psychological assessment that will help us understand how to best serve your personal needs. We’ll craft a specialized treatment plan to treat your BPD. No treatment plan is the same for another. We take great pride in individualizing our client’s experience. Individual and group therapy sessions (as well as art, recreational and equine therapy) is the heart of our BPD treatment. Family therapy is also an important aspect at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers. Individual therapy is really where our clients dig into their own personal issues and self-harm. They learn how to replace unhealthy coping skills with new ones. In addition they learn healthier patterns of thought and behavior.
Group therapy is an equally important portion of our residential borderline personality disorder treatment. This is because relating to others is a core issue for individuals with BPD. Group sessions provide a safe room to share and interact with peers. At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers, every client accomplishes new communication and interpersonal knowledge skills.
Family therapy is a vital portion of our BPD residential treatment program. Individuals with borderline personality disorder have experienced significant problems during childhood. In family therapy, everyone has an opportunity to heal and understand healthier ways to communicate.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers draws on both the traditional and alternative modes of BPD treatment. Your custom treatment plan might include:
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
Schema Treatment
Psychodynamic Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
12-step Programs and Recovery Support
Music and Art Therapy
Fitness and Health
Psychiatric Care
As a portion of your treatment, you’ll meet with our psychiatric team. You may be prescribed medications to alleviate mental health concerns; however this is an option as we never force our clients to do things they do not want to do. We just ask you to consider all of the suggestions our professional team offers as we truly do want what is in your best interest. We also follow up with a medication management plan to ensure your medication is having the best desirable outcome. Mental health problems such as eating disorders, depression, and anxiety often go along with borderline personality disorder. This is why we provide specialized inpatient dual diagnosis treatment to deal with these type of issues.
BPD Residential Aftercare Planning and Services
Completing our BPD residential treatment is the first step in managing your borderline personality disorder. When you leave Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers; you will have a substance abuse and mental health aftercare plan in place that will help you maintain your recovery. Your aftercare plan might include resources such as:
Individual Therapy Sessions
Alumni Activities
Group Therapy Sessions
Community Self-help Groups
Family Therapy
Psychiatric Care
Having borderline personality disorder can make some aspects of life harder to manage than most others. If you or someone you know is struggling with borderline or another personality disorder; the mental health experts at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers are prepared to help. Call our residential BPD treatment center now!
Borderline Personality Disorder vs Borderline States Compared To Complex Psychological Trauma
BPD has been thought to describe individuals who have persistent maladaptive personality traits that have been enduring and long standing. In specific, emotional dysregulation and poor relationships ended up at the center of borderline personality disorder. The word borderline was derived from an idea that the person manifesting those indicators and behaviors was on the border in between psychosis and neurosis; a concept that we know is inaccurate. In the last several years, quite a few clinicians have changed their thinking; finding the word to become misleading, undependable diagnostically and pejorative and stigmatizing.
At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers, we avert the negative labeling commonly associated with Borderline Personality Disorder. Moreover, we find the entire category of “Personality Disorders” to be an inadequate way to describe intricate personality behaviors and issues. We see emotional dysregulation and attachment complications that can be at the center of what is called Borderline Personality Disorder; to actually be the result of complicated psychological harm. When people find themselves enraged and become emotionally dysregulated and thoroughly responsive, we now see that being in a borderline state, that reflects the contextual nature in which we view all emotional issues.
We usually do not believe in the concept of personality disorders because of persistent and consistent trait behaviors (which is inferred in the term Borderline Personality Disorder). Rather, we find that by treating emotional dysregulation and attachment from the harm standpoint, and recognizing the context of relational triggers; we’re able to increase insight through emotional regulation approaches. By using numerous treatment modalities; we provide treatment to help our clients regulate and navigate their attachment issues that cause these issues.
Because stress, depression and anxiety exacerbate their symptoms and behaviors; we educate our clients to identify and manage those issues in order so they can optimize their well-being. In summary, we are somewhat less interested in what is wrong with you personally; rather we want to know what occurred to you throughout your life that helped define (but is definitely not) who you are today. Give Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers a call today if you want world-class BPD residential treatment.
Complex Or Developmental PTSD And Borderline Personality Disorder
Defined as numerous social interpersonal traumatic episodes, usually beginning in younger years and spanning multiple developmental stages. With intricate trauma, the client presents additional signs with multi-dimensional issues beyond the standard symptoms of PTSD. If you are suffering with both BPD and PTSD give Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers a call and let us help you get your life back on track.
Signs and symptoms of PTSD include:
Suicidal and Self-destructive Behaviors
Disposition and Affect Dysregulation
Identity Difficulties
Eating Disorders
Substance Abuse
How We Treat Complex Traumatization And Borderline Personality Disorder Issues
At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Treatment Center we handle emotional dysregulation and attachment issues in the context of complex psychological trauma with our professional and qualified staff. We employ a combination of therapeutic approaches to deal with these issues. Relational psychoanalysis is an approach that emphasizes the use of interpersonal relationships in treating emotional dysregulation and attachment issues in a unique therapeutic environment. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers approach to psychotherapy and to managing our therapeutic milieu is based upon this relational strategy.
Our primary individual treatment methods are just two relational psychoanalytic strategies: Self Psychological/Intersubjective and Mentalization-based treatment (MBT). We additionally employ variants of object relation therapies. These relational strategies address emotional dysregulation, abandonment and trauma-related issues. Our BPD trauma and emotional dysregulation program helps those that may have already been identified with borderline personality disorder or even Cluster B Personality Disorders (BPD, Narcissistic, Histrionic and Antisocial, etc).
Intersubjective psychoanalysis shows that all interactions must be considered contextually; interactions between your client/analyst or child/parent cannot be seen as separate from each other but rather needs to be considered consistently as mutually influencing each other. The treatments, and farther research aims to examine the links among genes associated with impulsiveness and focus upon the interactions within the therapeutic relationship. We also make an effort to bring about light by eliminating older patterns from previous relationships into present-day reality.
Dialectical behavioral therapy, or DBT is another useful instrument for treating BPD and is featured at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential DBT Treatment Center. This approach emphasizes mindfulness and can help with self-control, emotional regulation and reduction of dangerous behaviors. Call today to learn more! Additionally, Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers offers many other therapeutic modalities to deal with the psychology associated with borderline personality disorders which is: rage management, process collections, psycho-education and neurofeedback.
Our client’s family member’s therapy sessions integrate significant others into your loved one’s treatment environment. Some of our holistic treatments include: mindfulness meditation, acupuncture, equine and recreational therapy. These are essential for recovery and healing in the long run. In specific, research has shown the utility of yoga in helping people with injury histories; and we offer several groups per week.
Our various treatment methods for emotional injury, attachment issues and emotional dysregulation provide insight-oriented ways to increase your understanding of your origins of your relational issues. Another relational process utilized at Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT).
Mentalization is actually just a psychodynamic therapy that helps people with BPD realize their own and others’ behaviors and feelings in realistic and accurate mental state terms. Individuals with trauma-related personality issues or BPD often have unstable and intense relationships. They may not be able to comprehend their effects or behavior that it has on other people. Not to mention the difficulty in understanding other people’s emotional states and empathizing with them.
What Are The Main Causes of Borderline States?
Because Borderline Personality Disorder was officially regarded in 1980 by the psychiatric community; research on the causes and risk variables for BPD is many years behind when compared to other psychiatric disorders. Scientific studies have shown that there are genetical factors involved. Additionally, social and cultural circumstances can also be linked with the development of BPD; such as unstable home environments, neglect and injury (self-harm).
Borderline Personality Disorders are defined as consistently maladaptive ways of perceiving, thinking and relating to the entire world that cause significant impairment. Unfortunately, borderline personality disorder usually is typically described as reactionary to worry or manifestations of trauma. People with a borderline personality disorder act out with patterns of behavior rather than experiencing intra-psychic disturbance.
Personality Disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder usually are not sharply defined with a transparent analytical standard. There are still problems with validity and reliability in diagnosis. A diagnosis is subjective and context-based. Personality characteristics vary from ordinary expressions to pathological exaggerations. Pathologic features can be found on the smaller scale and not as intensely expressed in many ordinary individuals. A Clinician’s personal subjective experiences and tolerances of particular personality characteristics can also result in lousy reliability, especially for borderline personality disorder.
At Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Treatment Center, we find that borderline personality disorder inaccurately implies a long-term or permanent state of the person’s personality. We believe that people experiencing personality states related to injury, stress or relational difficulties. For example, indicators related to sophisticated trauma are incorrectly diagnosed as Borderline Personality Disorder. We prefer to prevent utilizing labels that stigmatize a struggling individual and create additional problems of your BPD condition.
What Is The Prognosis For Borderline Personality Disorder Issues?
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers Residential BPD Treatment Center has worked with clients experiencing moderate to severe emotional dysregulation and trauma issues for a very long time now. Our clinicians and professional staff are extremely seasoned and qualified to treat the symptoms and behaviors associated with complex psychological self-harm and social related personality issues. We work with clients who may have been diagnosed with the pejorative tag of Borderline Personality Disorder for years.
However, we choose to break the pattern and redirect your thinking to more productive states. Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers is known to be able to help clients with the most challenging situations. We have the most amazing physicians at our BPD treatment centers. We are extremely comfortable as well as successful in treating clients with Borderline Personality Disorder and transitioning them to healthy and productive lives.
Utah Trauma & Addiction Centers believes the word “disorder” stems from an outdated medical version of emotional problems. We help our clients recognize and better deal with their emotional problems and give them the insight and the various tools to manage their lives in an infinitely more functional manner.